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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:02 Sgeo joined 00:47 ACfromTX left 01:01 ACfromTX joined 01:35 hulk joined, kylese left 01:43 MasterDuke joined 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 02:44 Aedil joined 05:30 Sgeo left 05:55 sftp joined 06:47 sena_kun joined 07:01 sena_kun left 07:07 sena_kun joined 07:16 dawids joined, dawids left 07:30 sena_kun left
librasteve lucs: sorry, i was asleep - the div … label … input keywords in my example are imported subs from a new module I am working on … HTML::Functional … which helps you write HTML in a functional style inspired by elm-lang 07:31
scullucs @librasteve Ah, cool. They looked like they may have been Raku builtins, but used in a strange way. Thanks. 07:51
08:08 wayland joined 08:12 dakkar joined 08:15 ACfromTX left
nahita3882 you can chain colon-pairs without a comma to make a List of them but you need to wrap them in parens, e.g., >>> :2x :5y # The :5y part is passed to the Pair.new as a keyword argument, and ignored x => 2 >>> Pair.new('x', 2, :5y) # i.e., this is what happens for above x => 2 >>> (:2x :5y) # now they are recognized separately (x => 2 y => 5) >>> (:2x:5y) # space optional (x => 2 y => 5) When passing them to 08:17
a function, same notion is in action but furthermore, you don't need the parens, so f :2x :5y or f :2x:5y works. and :$arg is short for 'arg' => $arg so it all works
08:19 donaldh_ joined 08:22 donaldh left
scullucs @nahita3882 Thanks for the details. 08:22
nahita3882 (S/you don't need the parens/you don't write the parens/; # otherwise it's a 1 positional, List argument, not N keyword arguments) 08:25
scullucs Gotcha. 08:27
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patrickb m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = "\""; \" [ <!$*s> . ]* \" } }; dd G.parse("\"a\""); 10:21
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> anon regex { "}⏏<EOL>
patrickb Another bug?
Any ideas how I could work around this? 10:22
wayland Would qq{} help? 10:27
patrickb wayland: Can you make a code snippet? 10:36
wayland patrickb: I don't even understand what you're doing :) . But I'll try. 10:42
m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = "\""; \" [ <!$*s> . ]* \" } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a");
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Couldn't find terminator } (corresponding { was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> <!$*s> . ]* \" } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a");⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
wayland m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = "\""; \" [ <!$*s> . ]* \" } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a"});
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> anon regex { "}⏏<EOL>
wayland m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = qq{"}; \" [ <!$*s> . ]* \" } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a"}); 10:43
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> anon regex { "}⏏<EOL>
wayland m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = qq{"}; '"' [ <!$*s> . ]* '"' } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a"});
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> anon regex { "}⏏<EOL>
wayland m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = qq{"}; '"' [ <!$*s> ]* '"' } }; dd G.parse(qq{"a"}); 10:44
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Unable to parse expression in double quotes; couldn't find final '"' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> anon regex { "}⏏<EOL>
wayland Nope. Maybe marginally more readable, but otherwise not helpful.
patrickb Oh well, thanks anyways. 11:23
11:32 MasterDuke left
patrickb m: grammar G { token TOP { :my $*s = "\""; \" [ <thing> ]* \" }; token thing { . <?{ $/ ne $*s }> } }; dd G.parse("\"a\""); 11:39
camelia Match.new(:orig("\"a\""), :from(0), :pos(3), :hash(Map.new((:thing([Match.new(:orig("\"a\""), :from(1), :pos(2))])))))
patrickb That works.
wayland Nice! 11:43
Where do I report bugs in Pod6 generation? Please .tell me, because I'm about to go to bed. Goodnight all :) 11:45
[Coke] If you mean 'raku --doc', then rakudo/rakudo on github 11:53
antononcube I am working on Python packages in the last few days... (Not being payed for it!!) 12:58
Those Python packages are related to Quantile Regression. 1) Is anyone here interested or used Quantile Regression (QR)? 2) Would you use or study QR in if it is in Raku? 12:59
13:01 jgaz joined
librasteve o/ ... I am in the process of making an HTML::Functional module and I notice on raku.land a cpan module called HTML::Lazy that already does this ... raku.land/cpan:SAMGWISE/HTML::Lazy 13:16
rather than reinvent the wheel, I would like to keep (and improve) the HTML::Lazy module - is it destined for raku community modules (sorry I do not know if there has been any recent dialog withe the author - I note that there are two outstanding PRs by gfldex dated 2019 13:17
lizmat the module author was not contacted, as that module resides on CPAN 13:19
and as such was not on p6c
librasteve oh forgive me I thought the plan was to deprecate CPAN and P6C modules 13:20
HTML::Lazy has one dependency on HTML::Escape which is on CPAN and P6C ... author Moznion ... has a future path been decided for this? 13:21
lizmat well, yes, but so far only authors with modules on p6c have been contacted
librasteve on HTML::Lazy what would be my best course of action? 13:22
lizmat no
ping the author of the modules with an issue, asking them how they feel about you taking over maint or moving it to raku-community-modules ? 13:23
librasteve ok, I'll do that for HTML::Lazy and give a coupla days
done 13:28
lizmat librasteve++
librasteve what is the the story for HTML::Escape? - did you contact moznion since they are on P6C? 13:33
lizmat yes: github.com/moznion/p6-Backtrace-As.../issues/13 no reply yet 13:35
you might add a ping there :-)
they do appear to be active on Github still 13:36
so maybe this issue was lost in all of the other mail they get from Github
librasteve ok - have commented on the issue - I would like HTML::Escape to become raku community adopted if radio silence continues 13:39
tx! 13:44
antononcube I used "HTML::Escape" in "Markdown::Grammar" and I was adviced to remove it. (So, I did.) 13:53
librasteve @antononcube - ok ... did you pick another modules for escaping HTML (one that we can all put weight behind)? 14:04
I see it currently has 7 reverse dependencies App::MPD::Notify HTML::Lazy Oddmuse6 Pod::To::HTML::Section Sparky Task::Popular Text::Markdown 14:05
antononcube @librasteve No, I think use(d) and ad-hoc escaping code. (Taken, say, from rosettacode.) 14:07
librasteve what was the rationale for dropping it?
antononcube I honestly do not know or remember -- Nemokosch used "Markdown::Grammar" and found some little problems with that due to that HTML-escaper. It is a small package, right. Here is the ad-hoc implementation : github.com/antononcube/Raku-Markdo...rakumod#L9 14:10
librasteve yeah 78 loc including pod6 - probably we should be edging this functionality to community => '_' => rakudo-star (on proviso that it works correctly) 14:13
tx! 14:14
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wayland76 Now that it's morning, let me reiterate -- Where do I report bugs in Pod6 generation? 21:13
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[Coke] If you mean 'raku --doc', then rakudo/rakudo on github 21:30
wayland76 That's the one! Thanks! Is there doco that suggests where to report bugs? 21:31
[Coke] raku.org/downloads/ 21:32
21:32 sftp left
[Coke] "Reporting Bugs" 21:32
wayland76 Oh, lovely.
21:35 El_Che left 21:36 El_Che joined
wayland76 I've found docs.raku.org/language/variables#The_=_twigil but how do I access the Pod in a different file? I'm attempting to build a table of contents for all my Pod doco by reading the =NAME and the like -- if there's already something that does that well, let me know :) . 22:35
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