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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Xliff Neat. 00:05
timo: So there's no way I can get to that symbol? At all? 00:07
timo there is something 00:13
Xliff ? 00:14
timo looking for it now 00:15
Xliff Thanks.
timo ok i can't find the code i wrote, but some of the dlopen API lets you find the offset that all the symbols from one shared object are mapped at, and then you can take the address you see in nm or dwarfdump or readelf or something 00:20
the problem i needed that for was trying to stringify the function name behind a pointer when there's an MVMCFunction mentioned in the spesh log 00:21
and many of the CFunctions that were in there were just LOCAL
so my changes included invoking "nm" on libmoar.so to get all the addresses with the names :D 00:22
i'd say that's very obviously not optimal, but it really helped figure some stuff out
in theory, i could just output the pointers raw in the speshlog and look for an offset that makes all pointers line up just so 00:36
it's strange, gst_spectrum_get_type is just there in gstspectrum.h why would it be local and not reachable? 00:38
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librasteve Xliff: I did something a bit like that with Dan::Polars - in my case build a new rust SO (from a template) on the fly and then invoke it... 06:23
this all got shelved at some point but you can do some GH archaeology here github.com/librasteve/raku-Dan-Pol...umod#L121, and then L805 is the nativecall and L935 is where I write the rust source to file and call run <cargo build> on it 06:26
if I understand your problem (and I don't) my guess is that the nativecall path can be implemented as a sub like this 06:27
sub ap_apply_monadic(ExprC) returns ExprC is native(a-path()) { * }
lizmat: new comment from moznion on HTML::Escape github.com/moznion/p6-Backtrace-As...2305776017 hopefully that will appear in zef repo shortly 06:32
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lizmat . 11:27
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Geth docker: 7d4343583c | AntonOks++ | 4 files
Bump to 2024.07
[Coke] m: /./; "no worries; if False \{\nclass :: \{\n;\n/a b/\n\n}}".EVAL; 18:03
camelia ( no output )
[Coke] is github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/1630 fixed? 18:04
lizmat taking this to #raku-dev 18:06
[Coke] (spoilers: it's fixed!) 18:09
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Xliff m: use NativeCall; sub sizeof () returns int64 { * }; trait_mod:<is>( &sizeof, :native('t/00-struct-sizes.so') ); 20:44
camelia ( no output )
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wayland76 .tell tbrowder I've got nothing better than codeberg.org/CIAvash/Pod-Contents 22:27
tellable6 wayland76, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
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