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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder wayland76: thanks, see [Coke]'s link above... 00:45
tellable6 2024-08-23T22:27:48Z #raku <wayland76> tbrowder I've got nothing better than codeberg.org/CIAvash/Pod-Contents
wayland76 tbrowder: Yeah, it's very nice, but I do most of my raku work in docker, but this one has to run on my local, and it's a version of raku that's too old to have AST. So I've put it on the back burner for now. 04:55
tellable6 hey wayland76, you have a message: gist.github.com/674b00198715c6527f...00500227a6
stanrifkin How can I use already evaluated values (history) in the REPL? 10:39
lizmat $*N where N is the number 10:40
stanrifkin thank you 10:41
tbrowder [Coke]: ref the pod code link you gave above, do you think the nqp bits in the associated rakumod files can be used safely in public modules? 12:37
the precompile and cache bits
tbrowder [Coke]:lizmatref RakuAST pod handling: pod is still recursively complex, but better parsing capability should help my needs. 14:05
lizmat: ^^^ 14:06
tbrowder pls tell me again where to find how to use RakuAST in the latest version of Rakudo. i know it's around somewhere but i can't find it at raku.org or rakudo.org. thnx 16:38
i think it's an env var... 16:39
[Coke]: i know you told me earlier, and i'm using it, but where is it posted onllne? 16:43
MasterDuke tbrowder: RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 17:24
librasteve discord.com/channels/7257896995279...5222175857 20:53
^^ we now have a raku-htmx channel
on discord
vendethiel It’s private? 21:05
antononcube I do not see it too — even restated Discord to make it appear.