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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
timo librasteve, i'm looking at your R#4852 right now. the problem you're having is actually in the line that it's pointing you at: you're trying to set `dtype => ::($_.dtype)` and from the error message it looks like $_.dtype.Str results in `<class 'numpy.int64'>`. i imagine that's the result of the rs_dtype method from the python class RakuSeries? that's where it does `str(self.series.dtype.type)` which 08:44
linkable6 R#4852 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4852 WARNING: unhandled Failure detected in DESTROY. No such symbol '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
timo is surely not what you want. also, you don't seem to be doing anything with the dtype parameter, so the Failure you're passing from the failed ::(...) lookup is just dropped on the floor where the GC later picks it up and warns you that you probably meant not to do that
timo grondilu, you have some golfed code in the same issue. yours can work by putting a .self after the .pred and .succ in the up/down/left/right methods. .self on a Failure will throw it, which the try you're using will then be able to catch, and the Failure will properly be marked as handled. I think there may be a rakudo or language issue there that wants to be fixed 09:06
more importantly, .self on a non-Failure is a pass-through 09:07
timo you can also put "use fatal;" at the start of each of these methods instead of using .self 09:07
librasteve timo: thanks for the help - I guess I need to be more careful about stuff I pass to ::($name) Happy to go fix my own code and (for you) to close this issue. 09:39
timo librasteve, maybe you have a suggestion to make the message for "failure detected in DESTROY" more intuitive? 11:54
m6locks hi, is anyone able to rakubrew build jvm at all? I got 64G ram with no limits but still out of memory error dpaste.org/uJTZL#L6,13 12:01
timo m6locks: you may need to give the jvm an extra argument from the -Xm series to allow it use more memory for its heap? 12:04
i only see -Xms8m which i think means "starting heap size 8 megabytes" and does not change much for this process
m6locks but it's built with rakubrew, does rakubrew pass that argument?
timo hm, i guess not? i'll also have a look. 12:07
m6locks thanks
timo whew, this takes a while 12:13
m6locks no prob, I've got a functioning release otherwise 12:14
timo anything in particular you want to do with rakudo-jvm? 12:18
huh, this is a javac process that's asploding, not like an nqp-j or rakudo-j invocation? 12:20
which step of the build process is this? does rakubrew show them?
m6locks JVMDUMP055I Processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError", exception "Failed to create a thread: retVal -1073741830, errno 1" at 2024/08/28 14:40:16 - please wait. 12:21
make: *** [Makefile:637: gen/jvm/share/runtime/nqp-runtime.jar] Error 1 12:22
m6locks here's the whole thing dpaste.org/WvNkv 12:24
timo ack! --silent-build, i curse at thee 12:25
timo sorry i'm getting sidetracked looking at this very very slow part of the compilation with rakudo-j 12:37
during the initial couple of second, 46% time spent in runNFA 12:51
Xliff m: my @a = (4, 2); say @a »+=« (1, 2) 15:45
camelia [5 4]
Xliff m: my @a = (4, 2); say @a »//=« (1, 2)
camelia Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu
Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu
Weird node in analyze: NQPMu
Unknown QAST node type NQPMu
Xliff LTA or bug?
m: my @a = (4, 2); say (@a //= (1, 2)) 15:46
camelia [4 2]
Xliff m: my @a; say (@a //= (1, 2))
camelia []
Xliff m: my @a; say (@a »//=« (1, 2)) 15:47
camelia Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu
Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu
Weird node in analyze: NQPMu
Unknown QAST node type NQPMu
Xliff 2 bugs, then?
nahita3882 i think the first one is a bug but by second if you meant my @a; say (@a //= (1, 2)) giving [], that seems correct because (my @a).defined is True, it is only empty, so, e.g., ||= would assign [1, 2] fine 15:51
first one also errors for || and && but not %%, so maybe short-circuiting is suspicious 15:53
rjbs Very often, when I open iTerm, there is a noticeable (multi-second) delay during which it is running rakubrew. I think it's doing zsh completion stuff. 16:00
Anybody else have this problem, or know the solution to it?
[Coke] It seems quick here. (mac m2) 16:16
rjbs For me, it's quick unless it's been a long while since I opened a terminal (hours?). I suspect it'll be down in zsh caching somewhere, but... 🤷 16:40
ab5tract seems pretty quick for me, but I don't specifically bother with completion setup. if it's included by default, I guess I'm not noticing a delay. 17:41
[Coke] I am also using zsh, fwiw. 17:58
rjbs: gist.github.com/coke/9ef61029003c9...66c93af677 17:59
If we want to compare versions.
rjbs www.irccloud.com/pastebin/91ZihTW7/ 18:00
I wonder if it's going to be something like "rjbs has ancient zsh autocomp helper code somewhere" 😕
thing is, I think if I remove rakubrew, nothing else will be slow; maybe I do that soon, since I need to step away for a while 18:01
[Coke] I'll upgrade rakubrew... 18:04
done - will spawn a window... later. 18:05
worth testing.
(removing rakubrew on your end) 18:06
ab5tract :( 18:30
[Coke] just spawned a window after a delay - no slowdown 18:43
Xliff Does anyone here have any experience with Cro::Router? 18:47
Rather that's Cro::HTTP::Router 18:48
antononcube @Xliff I think I use "Cro::HTTP::Router" very often in the last few weeks. (Also, in general...) 18:59
Xliff antoncube: Oh nice. Do you have anything on a public repo I can look at? 19:01
antononcube Yeah, sure, but it is somewhat complicated: github.com/antononcube/Raku-DSL-Tr...on-service 19:03
You can see it "in action" here: antononcube.shinyapps.io/DSL-evaluations/ 19:04
Well, the GitHub code is not that complicated but it might not be very clear what is its purpose. 19:05
It is basically a web service that delivers Small Language Models (SMLs) responses. 19:06
teatime well, FUKME, I just mis-clicked and lost fukkin days of scroll/unread msgs 19:12
er, wrong window... im sry 19:13
librasteve m: say my @a = (4, 2); say @a >>++<< (1, 2) 19:14
evalable6__ (exit code 1) 4===SORRY!4=== Er…
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Missing << or >> at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> say my @a = (4, 2); say @a >>+⏏+<< (1, 2) expecting any of: infix infix stopper
evalable6__ librasteve, Full output: gist.github.com/0bfd53e5e2c524f89a...74f39d9c67
librasteve ++ is a prefix operator so I am not suprised that there is an error (it's a bit clearer in my repl), // is also a prefix. Are infix hypers >>xx>> defined for prefix ops? 19:16
Xliff: I am using Cro::HTTP::Router here ... github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX-Examples ... for example in github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX-Ex...it.rakumod ... these are pretty small (but cover most use cases such as static, rest and so on) ... hope this helps 19:20
nahita3882 // is also an infix operator as defined-or (actually it's only an infix operator before 2022.12 and 6.e) 19:29
librasteve oh - yes - my bad 19:31
m: my @a = [^10]; say ++<<@a; 19:34
Raku eval [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
evalable6__ [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
librasteve m: my @a = [^10]; say //<<@a;
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Null regex not allowed. Please use .comb if you wanted to produce a sequence of characters from a string. at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> my @a = [^10]; say //⏏<<@a;
evalable6__ (exit code 1) 4===SORRY!4=== Er…
librasteve, Full output: gist.github.com/2619ba0ce4bd0c2b2b...953022e489
librasteve I was hoping to try out the // prefix (boolean context operator), but just get this null regex error Welcome to Rakudo™ v2024.07 19:39
nahita3882 need v6.e.PREVIEW 19:41
librasteve that does the trick - thanks! 19:49
Xliff librasteve: Actually, I took a look at HTMX-Examples earlier this week. Nice work! 20:02
librasteve Thanks for the feedback - there's a lot of web dev nonsense going on right now (tailwind, flowbite and so on) that just pollutes the HTML - so I wanted to get back to basics - and react (etc) is overkill for what I want 20:04
Xliff Same here. I have an application server in Raku I hope to release soon. 20:11
It's straight MVC, using Cro::WebApp::Template which is nice... and not so nice for HTML.
I am working on making the use of angle brackets configurable. 20:12
librasteve sounds cool
I am working on doing an "elm slang" for raku ... the discussion issue github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX-Ex...s/issues/1 has a short example of my goal for functional style to make html ... since that is very popular with elm ... but in that case in the browser and compiling to ECMAScript, whereas the "right" place is on the server 20:17
antononcube @Xliff Does this mean that one would be able to configure the angle brackets to be round? 20:18
librasteve also you can see the synopsis at github.com/librasteve/raku-HTML-Functional
Xliff antoncube: What? You mean ()? 20:20
Also not wise since parentheticals are used quite often.
antononcube @Xliff Yes. 🙂
Xliff But I don't see why not.
(?.a)<span>Hey! A was truthful!(/?) 20:21
antononcube I was joking, because it was not clear "angle brackets" being configurable means.
Xliff (D'oh! no </span>)
librasteve h1("Welcome to Dunder Mifflin!"), <== this is functional
antononcube Makes me think of "programmable comma."
Xliff antoncube: Currently template tags are angle brackets. The previous example rewritten to the current spec is: 20:22
<?.a><span>Hey! A was truthful!</span></?>
Which looks too much like HTML for me to see the difference between them.
librasteve h1 "Welcome to Dunder Mifflin!", <== so is this courtesy of raku syntax 20:23
a span "Hey! A was truthful!" 20:24
Xliff would "p span Bueller!" do as expected?
librasteve (not sure about the ?)
p span "Bueller!"
Xliff Yeah.
librasteve all the tags are exported as subroutines
so -yes 20:25
also you can use raku pair notation for attrs... 20:26
antononcube @Xliff Ok, it seems your confguring angular brackets in / for "Cro::WebApp::Template".
librasteve meta( :name<description>, :content<raku does htmx> ),
Xliff Kinda. Not working yet.
^^ anton 20:27
librasteve oh - sorry I was still reacting to your joke Anton - I see what you mean Xliff - can we use something like TT2 or Moustache in cro? 20:36
btw the CommaIDE helps a lot with highlighting eg <.name>
but it does that by suppressing (to grey) the real HTML for .crotmp file extensions 20:38
antononcube @librasteve Which CommaIDE version? 20:40
lucs Which file does 'rakudoc' show when I invoke 'rakudoc Some::Module' for example? 21:30
And can that be changed?