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guifa huh 15:54
I got an interesting bug report
github.com/alabamenhu/TestInline/b...Inline.pm6 15:56
fails because the subs don't have access to the @tests variable. Declaring it with our makes it work
timo does exporting a sub actually give it a different outer? 16:35
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timo that would be surprising for sure 16:37
guifa: the test in that repo succeeds for me locally. what's your rakudo version? can you share the code in which it breaks? 16:45
maybe the test file in the repo is not similar enough to how it's going to end up being used? with a package inside that uses Test::Inline and the unit outside that uses Test::Inline :testing 16:55
guifa timo: it's from a bug report, they said that the test was failing. Going ahead and installing latest rakudo to see if I can recreate 17:20
huh yeah succeeds for me 17:35
also lol at my readme
"If no issues are found, I'll bump version to 1.0 at the end of 2020." 17:36
guifa checks calendar
nijmegenzuigt yes?
it"s not the end of 2020 is it
programmer equivalent of starting a download and then checking if you have enough disk space, ez mistake 😛 17:37
17:46 Aedil left
patrickb timo: All the meat of pty transformation in tmux is in github.com/tmux/tmux/blob/master/input.c. Haven't gone through it in detail, but what I have seen aligns with my expectency. I.e. chug through the input and modify some internal screen representaion accordingly. 17:53
Terminal::Print already gives me a nice Grid datastructure that can afterwards be put anywhere on the screen. So I start to get the feeling that I know how the pieces should come together. 17:54
nijmegenzuigt thats how ATi also started 17:55
timo ATI, the graphics card manufacturer that's now part of AMD? 17:58
tbrowder hi, i'm using Proc "run" with zef to query loaded module status and wonder if using Proc::Async might be faster. 18:00
lizmat that feels like a micro-opt at the expense of maintainability 18:01
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timo have you considered "use Zef::Client" or something like that? 18:33
[Coke] I use Zef::Client in github.com/coke/raku-zef-deps/blob...s.rakumod, it's pretty easy. 18:39
tbrowder i looked at that briefly and wasn’t sure if it provided what i needed, but if i can use it to check a list of installed modules and their versions and uodate if required and remove if not, then it’s good! 18:51
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wayland76 Hi all. In my module, the 5 links at the bottom of the page work on github ( github.com/wayland/Raku-TOP?tab=readme-ov-file ), but not on raku.land ( raku.land/zef:wayland/TOP ). Does anyone have any tips on how to make them work on both? 21:05
[Coke] They're relative, and the relative links just don't exist on raku.land (even in another location, you can't view that source file there.) 21:33
You'll have to use absolute URLS in the readme for that to work.
e.g. github.com/wayland/Raku-TOP/blob/m...ass/CSV.md
Not ideal. Other suggestion is to maybe implement a fix on raku.land source that detects when urls are relative to the source code repository and IT corrects them. (probably the better solution but will no doubt take some time) 21:34
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wayland76 That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for your help :) 21:46
Are we talking about gitlab.com/raku-land/raku-land that's written in Go? 21:48
[Coke] there's some go in there, i think, but i think it's primarily written in raku 21:56
But yes, that's the project URL for raku.land
El_Che I see distribution files for raku, go and js :) 22:01
wayland76 OK. It says that the HTML rendering step is called gmark, and uses goldmark and Chroma. I look in the gmark directory, and the one file there is called main.go. So it looks like that part of it is still written in go. 22:20
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