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antononcube @lizmat Have you done any performance bench-marking of "Hash::Sorted"? 13:22
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lizmat antononcube no, why? 15:40
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antononcube @lizmat I considered using ""Hash::Sorted" in the sparse matrix package. Is possible to make that package to support sorting both by keys and by values? 16:18
I did some benchmarking too -- I am not sure but I might have discovered a bug, trying to make a random sorted hash with 10_000 elements. 16:19
lizmat Hmmm looks like I forgot to document the :$cmp comparator... 16:23
antononcube provide code that shows the problem, make an issue, and I'll look at it :-) 16:24
antononcube Yeah, I am making the reproducible script now.
Submitted. 16:47
@lizmat The crash happens when I use random words generated with "Data::Generators". I strongly suspect it is something related to special symbols. 16:48
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tbrowder lizmat: i found the log2 tests. should be back into another PR soon. 18:02
in roast
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librasteve .seen masukomi 23:23
tellable6 librasteve, I saw masukomi 2022-11-03T20:09:54Z in #raku-dev: <masukomi> like it wasn't meaningful to me
librasteve masukomi: please can you review the PR I did at the raku Definitely module? 23:24
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