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guifa lizmat: is an error of the type "[OpenSSL] WARNING: ../rakudo is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way" what your one module from last week was designed to help with? 00:22
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[Coke] m: 2+x X+ <7 8 9> 02:22
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
x used at line 1
[Coke] m: 2+4 X+ <7 8 9>
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of X+ in sink context
at <tmp>:1
------> 32+4 ⏏X+ <7 8 9>
[Coke] m: dd 2+4 X+ <7 8 9>
camelia (13, 14, 15).Seq
[Coke] m: say 2+4 X+ <7 8 9>
camelia (13 14 15)
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[Coke] weird. got malloc: Heap corruption detected, free list is damaged at 0x600003ab4240 in my local REPL 02:22
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guifa ugh, has anyone had any success getting Cro::HTTP to work on recent versions of macOS? 02:24
[Coke] unrepeatable. 02:29
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guifa looks like all the instructions for using it are for openssl@1.1, which is no longer supported by brew =/ 02:41
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guifa finally got it 03:06
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timo [Coke]: can you run it under valgrind? 03:13
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lizmat guifa: I think so :-) 09:01
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to guifa
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ab5tract guifa: I would love to hear how you managed to get around it 10:20
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to guifa
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ab5tract c.a53: REPL is back in beta 23. please let me know if you run into any issues with it 10:59
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El_Che antoncube: tried it a few times, VS code is not for me 11:58
ab5tract El_Che: I also prefer a Raku-specific Comma IDE. The reason it is not revived is because the support for it is next to zero these days. All documentation has moved away from the ultra-convoluted build process that building an IntelliJ requires. 12:00
I was only able to make any progress on Comma 2.0 by giving up the dream and following the instructions for building a plugin 12:01
*an IntelliJ variant
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ab5tract I became hopeful when I saw these documentation placeholders usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/.../image.png 12:03
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ab5tract but jnthn says they have been there for quite a few years already, so who knows 12:03
El_Che ab5tract: I don't prefer a Raku-specific IDE at all. I just don't like Visual Studio :) 12:12
a plugin is perfect for me
ab5tract ah, ok! sorry, it seems that I misread the scrollback 12:13
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El_Che nah, it wasn't very clear 12:13
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SmokeMachine Talking about editors, is anyone else having problems with nvim raku highlighting? Any more than 100 LOC raku file opened on my nvim with syntax on, makes it unusable… I have to turn off my syntax highlighting to be able to use that 12:40
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timo SmokeMachine: try cutting out comment lines, see if that helps 13:10
i have a vague memory of that being an issue
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antononcube @El_Che “[…] VS code is not for me” — I completely understand! I do not like VS Code much, but I am “forced” to use with Jupyter notebooks. So far, VS Code is better for me than other Jupyter notebook “hosts.” 13:14
BTW, I use VS Codium, not VS Code. The former is “free” from MicroSofts telemetry.
@ab5tract Trying the Comma-2.0 REPL within 30 min… 13:16
ab5tract antononcube: nice! looking forward to hearing how it goes 13:17
antononcube @ab5tract At this point, is there any benefit from compiling / building the plugin from a clone of your repository (and then installing it)? The last few times I just downloaded and installed the release. 13:20
ab5tract sometimes there is a bit of extra development available on `main`, but usually I'm going stuff in a branch and merging before pushing a new beta
in other words, not really :) 13:21
antononcube Ok, good to know. 13:22
ab5tract I'll let you know if there's something worth checkout out on a branch, like if I have something Jupyter related going on
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SmokeMachine timo: no comments didn't help... even for a file as small as this one, the difference is huge... (on this record I am pressing j and k at the same speed with and without the sysntax: usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/....23.23.gif 13:26
antononcube @ab5tract Related to your Jupyter comment -- I am actually curious does the installation of the comma plugin (or similar plugins) affect the code cells in Markdown. 13:27
timo that is rough
antononcube ... in Markdown files in IntelliJ.
@ab5tract I noticed that with the old CommaIDE for the Markdown code fences I have to use "perl6" in order to get code highlighting. With new IntelliJ-and-comma-2.0 I have to use "raku". 13:29
Maybe, IntelliJ's Markdown plugin knows "raku", but I doubt it. (It should be a functionality added by the plugin.) 13:31
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[Coke] timo (valgrind) it only ever happened once, I couldn't duplicate it 13:31
timo aw, damn
i wonder if it would be reasonable to literally just always run stuff under rr and remove old recordings automatically 13:32
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timo since you can't turn on recording retroactively, for perhaps obvious reasons 13:32
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SmokeMachine ok, I think I found the problem and that was kind of my fault... it seems it was relater to a LSP I was using... 13:43
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ab5tract antononcube: that makes sense, because I removed all references to perl6 14:15
I assume that the IntelliJ markdown support dispatches to any highlighter registered for that name 14:16
“That name” meaning the language you have attached to the markdown code block 14:17
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antononcube @ab5tract Great, thanks! 14:24
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SmokeMachine I have a question about ASTQuery. Currently, if I have `node1 node2` it means node2 is a descendant of node1. If I have `node1 > node2` it means node2 is a direct child of node1. And if I have `node1 >> node2` it means node2 is descendant of node1 but there are only nodes from group `ignorable` (RakuAST::Block, RakuAST::Blockoid, RakuAST::StatementList, RakuAST::Statement::Expression, or RakuAST::ArgList) between them. But I'm not 14:33
sure that makes much sense... I'm thinking on changing it to " " be child, ">" be descedable with only ignorable and ">>" decendable. Would that make more sense?
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SmokeMachine and we also have "<" for parent and "<<" for ascendant... with no ascendant with only ignorable for now... 14:34
antononcube @timo "would be neat if someone were to build a tree-sitter grammar for raku, [...]" -- I am interested in implementing the Tree-Sitter's query DSL (based on S-expressions) in Raku. 14:41
That, of course, is a (much) smaller task. 14:42
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timo true 14:48
ab5tract SmokeMachine: it makes sense to me that you would have a mode that is only ignorable and one that is universal 14:52
but maybe it's an alternative option to have `>+` be the universal one
so it would be `>`, `>>`, or `>+` (or maybe `>>+`?)
SmokeMachine so, no " "? 14:53
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ab5tract yeah, if only to keep all the descendant syntax together 14:53
SmokeMachine so, your suggestion is this? `>` child; `>>` descendant with only ignorable; `>>>` or `>>+` to descendant? 14:55
ab5tract: ☝️ 14:56
ab5tract yeah, or some variation of the above
SmokeMachine I like that...
ab5tract but that sounds about right to me
keep the space for something special :) 14:57
SmokeMachine I was planing using `+` to a node1 followed by a sibling `node2`... maybe I should use " " for that... 14:58
antononcube An S-expressions DSL can / should be used in ASTQuery. 14:59
SmokeMachine why S-expressions would be better than what we are doing? 15:01
(just pointing out that I also plan to accept `{ code }` that will receive the match as $/ and the current node... and it should return True or false...) 15:03
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antononcube Interoperability with Tree-Sitter designs and implementations. Especially, if someone decides to make Tree-Sitter implementation for Raku "knowing" (being able to parse and generate) the S-expressions queries would be useful. 15:06
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SmokeMachine antononcude: I don't think S-expression would be very useful for RakuAST... It has too many internal nodes... (but I could be wrong) 15:22
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antononcube Which one? 15:27
@ab5tract It looks in the Raku REPL if I copy and paste code a few code lines (i.e. code separated with new line) the pasted code is not evaluated. 15:29
ab5tract you have to manually evaluate all input 15:30
antononcube I.e. REPL evaluates "one liners."
ab5tract my experience is that I need to cmd + enter
single line or no
antononcube I "evaluated" manually with Cmd-Enter, but the actual evaluation did not happen. 15:31
ab5tract ah, ok, I will take a look
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antononcube The Comma Raku REPL is nice, but not crucial (for me.) I kind of "forget" about it. But few years ago I was using it much more frequently. 15:33
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BTW, I am trying the REPL on macOS: 15:36
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ab5tract It’s supposed to work with multi line input, so it’s probably just a fluke of my reintegration code that is tripping things up 15:39
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ab5tract antononcube: I think beta 24 fixes it. At least, it's working for me 16:31
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librasteve just saw this on HN gist.github.com/librasteve/29a165b...9263fad963 ... news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41961050 hopefully we FOSS contributors will be protected from personal liability... 17:14
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c.a53 @ab5tract Great! Testing it out... In version 23, multiline input gets ignored (as already reported), one liners seem OK. Version 24 doesn't work for me. It starts, but cannot process even a simple definition like my $a = 42. 19:12
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ab5tract Are you using it in a project that has Raku files in it? 19:16
c.a53 yes, a simple script
ab5tract Ok, will look into it
If the script doesn’t have a .raku / .p6 / .pl6 extension of a shebang with ‘raku’ in it on the first line, it won’t register as a project containing Raku files 19:18
s/of/or/ 19:19
c.a53 there's a single file without extension, but with a shebang #!/usr/bin/env raku and an autogenerated META6.json (as the IDE suggested). The script runs just fine through a simple raku run configuration. 19:22
ab5tract I’ll definitely add something to the action that alerts if things like SDK settings haven’t been loaded
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ab5tract c.a53: got it, thanks. Beta 24 includes some fresh logic to avoid needing a META6.json for a script. Sounds like it needs some ironing out. 19:24
timo there's a fun thing that python has where you can embed the stuff that would usually go into your setup.py or pyproject.toml or whatever can go directly into the script, so you can have your entire thing distributed as a single plain text file that can be installed, i.e. dependencies installed properly 19:25
ab5tract Thar would be awesome indeed 19:26
c.a53: if you have the time to check, I’m curious whether the repl works if you remove that meta6.json and re-open the project 19:28
c.a53 it didn't help 19:29
ab5tract Ok, I’ll look into it. Thanks for raising. 19:31
c.a53 most things written in (even many random sequences of letters and numbers) just output nothing after Ctrl+Enter 19:32
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ab5tract It worked on my end or I would not have shipped it 19:32
c.a53 syntax highliting and suggestions work, but that's about it
ab5tract I suggest just using beta 23 for now 19:33
c.a53 suggestions only inside a single input
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no problem, reverting for now 19:36
ab5tract Cheers! And thanks for testing 19:41
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antononcube weekly: youtu.be/kQo3wpiUu6w 20:25
notable6 antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
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SmokeMachine does anyone have any idea/suggestion for ASTQuery (github.com/FCO/ASTQuery)? I'm planing to release it next week (probably) even not being even close to complete to let other people test and play with it... 21:13
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SmokeMachine I'm now thinking on how to make the list of groups customisable... and I would like know you people's opinion on what should be the default groups... 21:14
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ab5tract SmokeMachine: I'll try to give it a few hours in the next few days but might not be able to do anything until next week 21:34
as in a week from tomorrow
but I can definitely see it coming in handy a lot once I get back to actually using Comma instead of developing it :)
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SmokeMachine ab5tract: thanks! 21:53
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ab5tract Thanks for creating this! 22:00
My one thought is whether it might make sense to name it AST::Query, but that’s really a personal stylistic choice for you to make 22:01
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