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lizmat weekly: raku-advent.blog/2024/12/07/day-7-...ttributes/ 09:34
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat guifa: if you consider a hash to be a list of pairs, the .kv on a list makes more sense? 10:01
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roguerakudev Jason Gorst? 17:45
I've been called many things, but I think that one's a first
17:47 mcmillhj left
Geth ¦ problem-solving: timo assigned to codesections Issue Design a command language for interactive commandline / TUI rakudo-moarvm debugger github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/456 17:53
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lizmat roguerakudev what should it be then? or do you have a Wordpress account? 18:02
I could invite you then and make you the official author of that post
Geth ¦ problem-solving: lizmat unassigned from codesections Issue Design a command language for interactive commandline / TUI rakudo-moarvm debugger github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/456 18:03
roguerakudev I don't have a wordpress account :( Could you credit it to Alexander Eubanks? I usually avoid using my real name on the net, but maybe I'm being too paranoid 18:08
antononcube @Rog What is wrong with "Gorst" ?! It has "rog" in it... 18:21
timo no problem crediting a pseudonym IMO 18:24
we don't have a real-names-only policy or anything like that
roguerakudev Eh, it's fine - I might link it to some people I know IRL 18:25
I was so confused though, wondering if Jason Gorst had some kind of special meaning like John Doe ;p; 18:26
antononcube I wonder is that a feature of WordPress -- making up random author names. 18:28
roguerakudev I don't like that the IRC bridge uses by username rather than my nickname here... it's rather redundant in this channel lol
lizmat roguerakudev it's credited to rogeuarakudev now 18:35
I realized where I got the name from: github.com/roguedev 18:36
roguerakudev Ahhh
yeah, different person :^)
lizmat typo from my side
yeah, realize that now, sorry for the confusion
roguerakudev no worries 18:37
actually if it's not too much trouble, could you credit it to "landyacht" instead - that's my GitHub name 18:38
lizmat so done :-)
.landyacht. thanks! 18:40
just changed my discord name as well - unfortunately somebody stole landyacht already on here so we'll have to live with some dots 18:41
I need to stop going by a million different aliases everywhere
lizmat heh :-)
guifa I hate it when you know you need to refactor but you don't have time because of a deadline and you have to leave your code looking like crap 19:11
ab5tract : one thing I've noticed in CLion with the Comma plugin is if it hits an exception, it bombs on the file from there forward. Not sure on the architecture but I think on Comma standalone it would just relaunch when that happened 19:18
ab5tract guidance: if you have the time, please report to the GitHub repo 19:30
guifa ab5tract got it: is there anything that's particularly helpful? I looked at the codebase in hopes I could be long term more useful to the project but ... it's a lot 19:31
ab5tract I hear you! It’s not uncomplicated :) 19:35
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ab5tract If it’s in Kotlin it’s a bit clearer imo, it’s also a signal of whether I’ve been hacking on that corner of the code base 19:35
In terms of helpfulness, stuff that os/cpu, and which beta release, and as much about reproducibility if possible 19:37
If you can get the stack trace that would be amazing 19:39
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ab5tract guifa: since you mentioned it, there are two spots in Comma which could be a bit more straightforward (or at least step by step): first, the resource files that describe each intention currently contain only placeholder text 19:48
guifa placeholder text would be filled in with like doc-style descriptive text? 19:49
ab5tract Second, re-enabling the test suite, which would be done more less one file at a time
guifa: yeah, it’s a bit of a weird format. Some of the file contents show up in the settings page for intentions 19:50
guifa I'll take a look at it as soon as I'm done with this semester
guifa bit off a bit more than he could chew for the scope of this project ha 19:51
20:25 Aedil left
SmokeMachine is there a way to create new template subs for Cro Template written in raku? 20:37
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ab5tract guifa: good luck on your project! :) 21:23
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guifa ab5tract I definitely should have selected the group option, was supposed to keep it to 100 hours per project but definitely went overboard lol 21:45
is there a reason for 22:39
Malformed postfix call (only basic method calls that exclusively use a dot can be detached)
timo hm. does unwhitespace do it? 22:41
m: say 100 ."Str"()
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed postfix call (only basic method calls that exclusively use a dot can be detached)
at <tmp>:1
------> say 100 .<HERE>"Str"()
timo m: say 100\ ."Str"()
camelia 100
timo yeah, unwhitespace to the rescue
guifa yeah that works, but I guess the question is why restrict it 22:43
I feel like it's one of those "easier back in the day to be fixed later" things but maybe I'm wrong
timo ah, not exactly sure 22:45
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aruniecrisps i'm looking at this and im wondering what pblock(0) means in this context, does anyone have an answer? github.com/mustafaaydn/Slang-Forgi...akumod#L17 23:34
guifa pblock is if I remember correctly a {.... } block 23:49