msiism Is there a translation map for method versus function syntax of built-in features in Raku somewhere? 00:03
I mean things like `@drinks.pop` versus `pop(@drinks)` and such. 00:04
Or is the order of arguments always the same? 00:08
Like in `@drinks.push("vodka")` versus `push(@drinks, "vodka")`. 00:09
guifa so technically a method has its first argument as the object it's called on 00:10
msiism Right. And can I count on that object also being the first parameter when I write it as a function? 00:12
ugexe generally 00:14
msiism Okay, cool.
I have some trouble rewriting this, though: $str.encode('UTF-8').bytes 00:15
ugexe i don't know if there is an encode subroutine 00:17
msiism Yeah, I get "undeclared routines" for `encode` and `bytes`. 00:18
I was trying `bytes(encode($str, 'UTF-8'))`. 00:19
So, that means you can't just swap method and subroutine syntax out anywhere then, except by writing your own subroutine wrappers occasionally, right? 00:21
leont Yeah 00:36
msiism Okay, good to know. And why is that? 00:39
SmokeMachine In your case, to be sure I would use the methods in functional form… 00:55
msiism You mean in order to find out whether I would have to write a wrapper? 00:57
SmokeMachine m: say bytes(encode($str: ‘UTF-8’):); # something like this, I suppose… (code not tested)
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$str' is not declared. Did you mean any of these: 'str',
at <tmp>:1
------> say bytes(encode(<HERE>$str: ‘UTF-8’):); # something like this,
SmokeMachine m: say bytes(encode(“blá-blá-blá”: ‘UTF-8’):); 00:58
camelia 14
SmokeMachine msiism: no, no wrapper… the methods in functional form: `method object: parameters` 01:00
msiism Interesting.
ab5tract The above are examples of what is called ‘indirect object notation’. Personally not a fan, but it’s a pretty wild demonstration of Raku’s parser if nothing else :) 01:11
SmokeMachine m: class C { method method(*@pars) { “{ self.gist }.method( { @pars.join: “, “ } )” } }; my $obj =; say method $obj: 1,2,3 01:12
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$obj' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this
was intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> method( { @pars.join: “, “ } )” } }; my <HERE>$obj =; say meth…
SmokeMachine m: class C { method meth(*@pars) { “{ self.gist }.meth( { @pars.join: “, “ } )” } }; my $obj =; say meth $obj: 1,2,3 01:13
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$obj' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this
was intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> }.meth( { @pars.join: “, “ } )” } }; my <HERE>$obj =; say meth…
ab5tract You can also grab hold of the method object and use it like a regular sub 01:16
m: my &encode = Str.^methods.grep(*.name eq ‘encode’).first; dd &encode.raku; say encode(“foo”, “UTF-8”)
camelia "proto method encode (Cool \$:: \$?, *\%) \{*}"
utf8:0x<66 6F 6F>
ab5tract msiism: ^^
SmokeMachine m: class C { 01:25
method meth(*@pars) {
dd %(
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> class C {<HERE><EOL>
SmokeMachine :@pars,
my $obj =;
say meth $obj: 1, 2, 3
m: class C {method meth(*@pars) {dd %(:obj(self), :meth<meth>, :@pars,);}}; my $obj =; say meth $obj: 1, 2, 3 01:27
camelia {:meth("meth"), :obj(, :pars($[1, 2, 3])}
SmokeMachine (It took more tries than it should, sorry…
ab5tract: why not .^find_method? 01:28
ab5tract No good reason! 01:29
SmokeMachine m: my &encode = Str.^find_method(‘encode’); dd &encode.raku; say encode(“foo”, “UTF-8”) 01:30
camelia "proto method encode (Cool \$:: \$?, *\%) \{*}"
utf8:0x<66 6F 6F>
timo why not .^lookup? :P 02:03
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 12:53
librasteve 👍 12:56
leont Nice
antononcube @lizmat (or anyone interested) is it possible to simplify (i.e. reduce the number of symbols of) this code further? floor(e ** π + π ** e)² 13:22
lizmat with only ⁱ and ⁿ as uppercased letters, I wouldn't know 13:27
antononcube Ok, is guess circumfix operators ⎡x⎤ and ⎣x⎦ can be also considered for adding "built-in." (Together with ∑.) 13:34
lizmat perhaps introduce ↑ as alias for ** ? 13:36
timo not a good idea, that's too close to the "up arrow" notation 13:37
which is "one step up" from exponentiation
so like, if x ** 5 is x * x * x * x, then x ↑ 5 is x ** x ** x ** x ** x
antononcube I have to say, I am not concerned with simplifying the power operator. I think it is fine. 13:44
I find floor and ceiling too "wordy." But even in Mathematica I do not use their mathematical symbols often. 13:45
timo much better than `import math; math.ceiling(x)` :D (or i guess `from math import ceiling as ceil; ceil(x)`) 14:07
antononcube Of course, Python is a poorly thought off contraption. 14:09
timo putting every mathy thing in a module / namespace is not great for terseness / one-liners 14:14
msiism: something that occured to me about something you asked yesterday is: the difference between a sub and a method is that what the sub does is dictated by "the language", in other words lexically scoped. for a method, the object you're calling it on (or "sending a message to" as some less ubiquitous languages call it) is completely in control of what it actually does 14:15
most of the sub forms that have a corresponding method will just call the method on the argument, AFAIK 14:16
in that case you can override the behaviour lexically by replacing the sub or adding multi candidates, or you can change how the method reacts on the object in question, or both
and someone already pointed out that you can put a sub in the position of a method call with the `$foo.&subname()` syntax, which is directly identical to `subname($foo)` and doesn't go through method-y mechanisms like asking the object what it wants 14:17
[Coke] -7.2ºC here 14:24
timo also, recently annoyed that you have to write out a divide + round + multiply thing in python if you want to round to something other than a full 1 14:29
m: .round(pi).say for 0..10
camelia 0
timo but if you want to round to the next value of 5 + pi * n, you have to subtract, then add, shameful 14:43
if you want to round to the next n ** pi, round won't do that at all 14:44
but i think "rounding to the next 0 + n * x" is much much more common than the other variants i just mentioned
lizmat [Coke]: quite warm here (10 degrees celsius) but the 80km/hour wind gusts (50km sustained) cut our bicycle ride short :-) 14:52
[Coke] yikes 14:54
guifa is jealous. Snowpocalpyse 2025 is in full force right now 14:55
msiism timo: Okay, keeping notes. Thanks. 15:00
[Coke] No snow here yet. Of course, I work from home, so snow just means my "office" gets crowded as everyone else stays home. 15:04
lizmat heh... yeah, I can see that happening :-) 15:06
timo Konsole has a color preview popup for the word "snow" <3 but if i were in charge of Konsole I would add a particle effect there
antononcube Making snow animations with Raku has been on my TODO list for at least 13 months. 15:12
timo does SDL2::Raw interest you, or should it be in the browser or something like that? 15:13
there's a simple particle system in the examples there
[Coke] There was an ascii advent article that did that, yes?
s/ascii/text/ probably 15:14
ab5tract and a raylib based one too
But that one is stalled from using Unicode because of limitations in NativeCall
Which could probably be mostly gotten around with a few hand rolled struct <-> pointer to struct functions for font handling in raylib 15:15
antononcube @timo Yeah, I am looking into a browser solution. (So, I can use it in Jupyter.) 15:17
ugexe [Coke]:
timo oh you did that ab5tract, neat 15:19
somehow i seem to have forgotten that Terminal::Print is ab5tract's 15:23
(plus big amount of contributions from japhb. heck yeah!) 15:25
antononcube I am looking for a solution that makes snowfall animations like this: 15:34
timo doesn't look too difficult to make with just css animations i think 15:36
librasteve maybe there's an "opportunity" to make a raku use Mathy module with sh*t like, circumfix operators ⎡x⎤ and ⎣x⎦ for cail floor, vecotr notation with COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE (can't show on Discord!), N-ARY Summation ∑ for [+] and other bits and pieces we can steal from apl, R, etc. 15:37
timo could even make a slang if the syntax that raku has for the different *fix operators is not enough for some reason 15:40
who wants to write a slang that makes some subset of latex code "executable", as in a math formula written in latex notation would translate to some sequence of sub/method calls and what not
antononcube This would be very nice! For example, the LaTeX formulas in this notebook can executed directly: 15:42
Well, some of them.
For example, my question earlier would be easy to answer -- just use the LaTeX: \lfloor e^\pi + \pi^e \rfloor. 15:45
Also, it should not be hard to make an LLM prototype of such translator. 15:46
timo the .unique.sort could be just .unique in that goodPermutations code, right? 15:47
antononcube Of course, Raku-to-LaTeX is also of interest.
I don't think unique sorts automatically.
timo in that case you might have unique and sort reversed 15:49
lizmat unique does **not** sort
timo but since the result you're looking for is just "equivalent to [1]" or "not equivalent to [1]", maybe it doesn't matter anyway
or maybe it does 15:50
lizmat .sort.squish could be better, memory wise
timo no, i think it doesn't matter. you either get a list that's a bunch of 1s, or anything else
so if there is anything but 1 in there, it doesn't matter where, and it doesn't matter if you sort before or after unique-ing or squish-ing 15:51
in any case, i think the code doesn't short-circuit when doing the "eqv [1]" check?
antononcube I am not sure what "short-circuit" means. I know the code works, meaning, it give 2025. 15:52
timo short circuit in this case would mean we stop pulling from the iterator as soon as we see a single non-1 15:53
antononcube Agh, and that result is missing in the notebook on GitHub.
Here it is how it is supposed to look: 15:54
timo short-circuit is more often in the context of something like "if some-check($foo) and use-thing($foo) { }" meaning that use-thing is never even called if the "some-check" returns False, because no matter what use-thing returns, the result of the "and" can never become True
antononcube Ah, yes, of course, that short-circuit. No, my good permutations does not short-circuit. 15:56
timo i just saw a claim about performance there and got interested :D
since you also use the real result of .elems inside rather than checking for 1 or not-1, that also has to run all the rotations every time 15:57
antononcube Sure. I did was not sure what exactly is the motivation in the original Mathematica article/notebook, that is my Raku code follows very closely the Mathematica code.
timo i assume the wolfram language version runs faster for reasons including the optimizer having had boatloads of investment into it and it being able to make use of such observations, but that's just a guess 15:58
ah, this post is a translation of wolfram to raku, rather than something where you wrote wolfram first and then translated it? 16:03
antononcube Yes, the original notebook is written by a (famous) Wolfram Language employee. 16:08
I translated it manually, because it was faster. Union in WL sorts the lists it is given.
timo simply hypered: 123,600.43 msec task-clock # 7.967 CPUs utilized 16:09
"15.514587717 seconds time elapsed" 16:11
with a few changes to enable early-cancelling of the iterators involved + just putting .hyper in one place
antononcube Good to know! 16:14
timo i need to double-check my results to make sure i didn't bungle it up though :) 16:17
antononcube The "bottle necks" for the translation were the slow sigma and totient in "Math::Sequences", the missing real-digits , and the related phi-number-system. (The latter are added to "Math::Sequences" now.)
timo LOL 16:24
hey wanna see something fun
replace 1...9 with 1..9
@antononcube ^ 16:26
antononcube Hmm... the code gets 5 times faster on my laptop. 16:32
timo we may want to optimize some trivial cases of `...` into `..` 16:33
well, .. + .list i guess 16:34
lizmat timo: yeah, but that'd be work for RakuAST I'd say 16:35
ab5tract antononcube: the snowfall via raylib should be trivial if you are using pngs 16:38
antononcube Meaning, after I have made the PNGs and/or the 0-1 matrices for those PNGs I can make the animations with raylib? 16:41
timo 4.937499111 seconds time elapsed - fastest no-parallelization result so far for me 16:42
ab5tract antononcube: exactly 16:43
antononcube @ab5tract So, "raylib" can make a PNG if I give it a matrix? 16:44
antononcube I think I also did that in "JavaScripdt::D3", but "D3.js" is very reluctant to export images. 16:45
ab5tract Not sure about that, I guess I misunderstood you
But you can draw shapes in raylib, so I would be surprised if this were not possible with a bit of poking
antononcube @timo My fastest non-parallel is 1min 45s. 16:47
timo this is my code, please give it a try 16:49
if you want to try the parallel, just make it .permutations.hyper instead of .permutations
timo tries out a rakudo patch for something 16:56
guifa reads back a bit. 16:58
ab5tract: 'tis a shame you don't enjoy IOS more
ab5tract guifa: how do you mean? I’m typing this on an iPhone :) 16:59
guifa Indirect Object Syntax 17:00
ab5tract Ahhh :)
Pretty much for the same reason that I always write { } instead of map { }, @ 17:01
I find that IOS buries the lede
antononcube @timo Why .permutations.hyper instead of permutations.race(:4degree) ?
guifa I think it really depends on the situation, which is where it's nice
ab5tract Sure, there are times where I have no objections to it 17:02
guifa if I'm doing lots of push / shift / unshift, it feels like I put the emphasis by putting the action first. I suppose that's why we have then given $foo { } so that the object doens't get in the way
def not my default syntax though
timo ah, feel free to use race instead of hyper. if you're tuning, try large values for :10000batch for example, too 17:03
timo oh neat. 17:15
guifa WHat's the correct mapping for a term in an EXPORT sub? 17:35
timo i assume it's the full name, so &term:<blabla> 17:36
guifa hmm
I have no idea why that didn't work the first time 17:37
but it did this time
ab5tract I haven't checked, but it may also need to be defined as a term prior to exporting 17:38
timo i think the name alone should do all of that 17:43
timo i made the good_permutations code a bit uglier but still faster; 3.6 seconds now, roughly 4.7 seconds before 19:30
0.728154654 seconds time elapsed 19:32
when i parallelize it with just ".hyper"
lizmat OOC, have you tried with ParaSeq ? 19:34
timo not yet
the only thing i do with the hyper is to parallelize the outermost loop over the (1..9).permutations, so all the cool methods of ParaSeq would not even get to shine 19:35
lizmat I see :-) 19:36
so you'd say that's something missing from ParaSeq ?
timo no, not that 19:40
but it's like a good portion of the work you put into it, to make all kinds of methods that operate on lists / seqs do very good on ParaSeq
the inner sequences are just 10 entry lists each
lizmat ack 19:42
timo with just the change from ... to .. from the original code anton wrote the performance is at roughly 18x time spent compared to the wolfram implementation if i'm not mistaken? 20:02
antononcube @timo My first version was ≈60 times slow than WL; my 2nd version is ≈12 slower; your gist version is ≈2.5 slower. 20:15
timo what factor can it reach with hyper or race? 20:16
the same gist as before now also has a file with a few "uglier but faster" versions 20:17
antononcube Using race(:4degree) I get 4-times speed up. So, I am happy with that. 20:18
What I call "my 2nd version" is the version in which I replaced 1...9 with 1..9 and .grep(*==0) with grep(0). I could have written/used any of the versions former. The latter -- I did not think grep(0) would work, but it is very close to Count[_,0] in WL. 20:19
I am still not sure why .grep(0) works faster. I think it is equivalent to .grep(*===0) that is slower. 20:20
BTW, @lizmat described .grep with values here, but I forgot about it. 20:21
timo right, i think there's a specialized iterator for when the greppee is a value to smart-match against 20:23
lizmat could be, it's been a while since I looked at that code
timo not sure if it would be worth making one when the greppee is a literal integer
lizmat which actually may need updating as it is pre-newdisp optimized
timo my class Grep-Accepts does Grepper <- this line last touched 6 years ago by liz :) 20:24
lizmat which makes it pre-newdisp, right?
yeah, because new-disp is post name change 20:25
and that was just 5+ years ago
timo i'm not sure what newdisp can do for this one tbh 20:25
lizmat the subs are pretty big, if I recall correctly, so less opportunity for inlining 20:27
lizmat but perhaps I need to revisit that more thoroughly before speaking out :-) 20:27
timo the code from anton here is a good little exercise for the initialisation of all these iterators, since they iterate over not-many values, but are called i think about a hundred thousand times for the innermost loop? 20:29
that's why making HYPER and METAOP_HYPER any faster was a noticeable win
lizmat yeah, that's also the approach I took with ParaSeq: if the number of values is too low, it won't bother hypering at all 20:30
timo yeah that makes sense. except if it takes very long to run the first iteration right?
is there something like "if the code running for the very first iteration has already been running for over one second, start hypering the remaining stuff" or so? 20:32
xinming m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h<a>,]; my @t3 = [|%h<a b>]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; @t1.raku.say; @t2.raku.say; @t3.raku.say; @t4.raku.say; 20:33
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
[11, 11]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),]
timo like `(100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1).hyper().map(&sleep)` would benefit from hypering kicking in after a few seconds before the 100 seconds are over. and if you .race instead of .hyper that can also already spit out values before the 100 are over
m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h<a>,]; my @t3 = [|%h<a b>]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; dd :@t1, :@t2; :@t3, :@t4; # cool shortcut for you 20:34
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
{:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
Useless use of ":@t4" in sink context (lines 1, 1)
Useless use of ":@t3" in sink context (lines 1, 1)
Useless use of constant value :@t3 in sink context (lines 1, 1)
Useless use of constant …
timo oops?
xinming In this example, @t2 and @t3 work as expected, What is the best way to write code, so we can easily modify the list of elements in '%h<a b>' ?
The problem is, sometimes, when I wrote my @t = %h<a b>; < this work as expected, But then I later, removed the b, it becomes my @t = %h<a>; Then the "array" value will assigned to it directly. 20:35
lizmat timo: no, but that's actually not a bad idea...
xinming After I check the code, I realize that I need to add ',' to 'my @t = %h<a>' actually; 20:36
timo m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h<a>,]; my @t3 = [|%h<a b>]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; dd :@t1, :@t2, :@t3, :@t4; # haha silly mistake, had a ; instead of , in there
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
:t1([11, 11])
:t2([[11, 11],])
:t3([[11, 11], [22, 22]])
:t4([($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),])
xinming But later, Then I need to add another items into %h<a xxxx> again, Then I sometimes forgot to remove the trailing ,
Then the code is doing wrong again,
this is why I post the example, What I mean is, In design, it's consistent that , will make a list. 20:37
But in practise, sometimes, It's a not easy to notice this.
So I'm asking is there a consisitant way to do this? So I don't need to care about the trailing ',' thing 20:38
Or, is there a syntax sugar to fix this instead of fixing my brain. 20:39
timo i would probably %h<bla bla>.Array, does that work?
xinming timo: Ok, That's a good one. :-)
timo actually maybe .list is enough, then you can @%h<a b> or @%h<a> i think?
xinming I'll try
I met this, each time things doesn't work, I'll go With tedious eye check for trailing comma, which is quite boring. 20:40
timo ok it looks like @%h<a b c> is actually treated as (@%h)<a b c> and doesn't give you what you want
i think i didn't look closely enough at what you actually want out of this, maybe i got you the opposite of what you want? 20:41
you have arrays at each key of the hash, so when pulling out values at keys of the hash you want to end up with one array for every key you put in, and not have the array contents "spill out" when you only pass a single key? 20:42
xinming timo: yea
timo then the answer might actually be to always have a list passed into the postcircumfix:<{ }> so it's always a list that comes out, but i don't think there's a syntax to enforce that for <a> and if there was, it'd probably be similar to having to handle the extra , on the outside 20:43
xinming timo: But sometimes, the list may contain single element. 20:44
which is in this case
timo you mean the list of keys?
so the case of "a" and not ("a", "b") 20:45
xinming so you suggests something like, %h{<a>.list} kind of syntax?
timo yeah :\ 20:46
not great huh
m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = %h<< a >>; my @t2 = %h<<"a">>; dd :@t1, :@t2; # two ways to get a list even when it's just a single element 20:47
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
:t1([[11, 11],])
:t2([[11, 11],])
timo the double-duty of < > as both qw and var is a little unhelpful for this particular case 20:47
xinming m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h{@(<a>)}]; my @t3 = [%h{@(<a b>)}]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; @t1.raku.say; @t2.raku.say; @t3.raku.say; @t4.raku.say; 20:48
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
[11, 11]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),]
xinming I think I'll have to use this then.
@(<a>) or @(<a b>)
timo m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = %h{@(<a>)}; my @t2 = %h{<a>.list}; dd :@t1, :@t2; # two more variants you can try
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
:t1([[11, 11],])
:t2([[11, 11],])
timo yeah, <a b>.list is i think a little less annoying than @(<a b>)
xinming Yea, Will stick with <a b>.list 20:49
timo m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = %h{qw<a>}; my @t2 = %h{qw/a/}; dd :@t1, :@t2; # explicit invocation of qw
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
:t1([[11, 11],])
:t2([[11, 11],])
timo 🐸 qw/a/k 20:50
🦆 qw/a/ck 20:51
xinming m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h{qw/a/}]; my @t3 = [%h{qw/a b/}]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; @t1.raku.say; @t2.raku.say; @t3.raku.say; @t4.raku.say;
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
[11, 11]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),]
xinming so a qw// forcefully returns a list?
m: dd qw/a/ 20:52
camelia "a"
timo well, "forcefully" is an odd way to say it, I think it's just "always a list"
m: say qw/a/.raku
camelia "a"
timo oh?
xinming It's a string, But why qw here returns a single string.
Xliff \o 20:52
xinming but worked well in %h{qw/a/} ?
Xliff Happy new year!
timo did i misread the output? 20:53
greetings Xliff
Xliff m:
camelia 2025-01-06T21:53:17.648407+01:00
xinming m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h{qw/a/}]; my @t3 = [%h{qw/a b/}]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; @t1.raku.say; @t2.raku.say; @t3.raku.say; @t4.raku.say;
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
[11, 11]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),]
timo you have the extra [ ] around the %h{...} there that might be muddying things a little bit 20:54
you should not need to "my @foo = [...]" here, you can "my @foo = ..." for all of these i think?
in any case, i left the [ ] out there
timo i wonder, was your code stripping a scalar container in a place that we weren't looking at? 20:55
m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); dd %h{qw/a/}; dd %h{qw/a b/}; dd (my @t1 = %h{qw/a/}); dd (my @t2 = %h{qw/a b/}); 20:56
camelia %h = $[11, 11]
($[11, 11], $[22, 22])
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
timo m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); dd [%h{qw/a/}]; dd [%h{qw/a b/}]; dd (my @t1 = [%h{qw/a/}]); dd (my @t2 = [%h{qw/a b/}]);
camelia [[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
xinming timo: I need the surround [], I wrote a fw script, I use my %service-list = %(ssh => [tcp-port, udp-port], cifs => [tcp-port, udp-port], ...); and in code, I use :allow-services[ %service-list<ssh cifs> ] 20:57
there, the :allow-services[] is a list of array containing service details
timo can you try ":alloc-services(@ = %service-list<ssh cifs>)" instead of the :foo[ ] syntax? 20:58
there's probably a difference between list assignment and [ ] around something for the "array constructor"?
i mean try it for debugging purposes, it doesn't look good enough yet i don't think 20:59
xinming hmm, I think I know the real issue now, the qw// wont' work either. 21:01
m: my %h = (:a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]); %h.raku.say; my @t1 = [|%h<a>]; my @t2 = [%h{qw/a/}]; my @t3 = [%h{qw/a b/}]; my @t4 = [%h<a b>,]; @t1.raku.say; @t2.raku.say; @t3.raku.say; @t4.raku.say;
camelia {:a($[11, 11]), :b($[22, 22])}
[11, 11]
[[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
[($[11, 11], $[22, 22]),]
xinming but a bit strange, it worked in the example 21:02
timo the t4 there is wrong, right?
xinming in my code, the [%h{qw/a b/}] returns the same result as @t4
timo: yea, @t4 is wrong
I'll try to find why in my code, the my @x = [ %h{qw/a b/} ]; will something like [ %h{qw/a b/}, ] 21:03
timo do you have verified that the hash you're working with has scalar containers just like our %h here?
that's a difference i could imagine 21:04
xinming hmm, Ignore me, it's because, I don't remove the trailing , when I update code to use %h{qw/a b/} 21:05
See, the trailing , is really bugging me
hmm, I know the reason now, all version worked, it's just my wrong habit to always add , to each items of the list, to keep this habit, then I start add | in front of %h<a b>, then when I meet single element, I need to remove |, But never thought about don't have , at the end 21:15
m: my %x = :a[11, 11], :b[22, 22]; my @a = %x<a>; my @b = %x<a b>; @a.raku.say; @b.raku.say; 21:20
camelia [[11, 11],]
[[11, 11], [22, 22]]
xinming But the new question now ,s , why 'my @a = %x<a>;' in this example will become element in a list, But it doesn't have trailing , 21:21
timo that must be the scalar container at work, is my thinking 21:26
sorry i was AFK for a bit there
xinming I think I need to read the document about List again to be more clear about how list work 21:31
timo: thanks
You helped me a lot 21:32
timo no problem!