🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
antononcube Has anyone tried DeepSeek ? 15:36
melezhik. Nope. Only simple find 😂 15:38
antononcube Unfortunately, their API-key application service is down... If I get an API key I can start making "WWW::DeepSeek". It is seems it adheres to OpenAI's API, at first glance. 15:39
melezhik. Ah. Ok. So you’re just playing with it or you have some practical purpose? 15:40
antononcube Well, all LLM models I have / use, are ultimately for some practical application. The big "promise" or feature of DeepSeek is that in can provide a reasoning model comparable to OpenAI's that can be run, say, locally. 15:42
But, instead of "going local", I wanted to try their Web API first. 15:43
melezhik. Ok ✅
My last fez upload has not appeared on Raku.land 16:42
THISISCOKE web.libera.chat/#raku seems to work 16:46
webchatter testing testing 16:46
THISISCOKE we could also add a ?nick=WebGuest or something. 16:47
but that's probably not needed.
RakuGuest finanalyst here, using RakuGuest and no password 16:52
raku: say 'hello' 16:55
evalable6 hello
[Coke] .seen BeastieBot 18:07
tellable6 [Coke], I saw BeastieBot 2018-08-07T19:01:51Z in #perl6-dev: <BeastieBot> [freebsd] Failed to build Rakudo and run all tests... See the output at fpaste.scsys.co.uk/581369
[Coke] .seen PufferBot
tellable6 [Coke], I saw PufferBot 2018-08-07T18:46:21Z in #perl6-dev: <PufferBot> [openbsd] Failed to build Rakudo and run all tests... See the output at fpaste.scsys.co.uk/581368
Geth raku.org/coke/irc: dc9b960640 | (Will Coleda)++ | README.md
Don't bother poor moritz if the build fails.
raku.org/coke/irc: e9628ea97c | (Will Coleda)++ | source/community/irc/index.html
Remove bots not seen since 2018
raku.org/coke/irc: d42c339548 | (Will Coleda)++ | 4 files
Use libera's built in URLS for web irc.
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #227:
[Coke] opened github.com/Raku/raku.org/pull/227 - if someone could review (and maybe help me figure out why Patrick's commit is showing there... 18:13
timo could be you accidentally had that commit checked out before you started work on your branch. you can ask "git reflog" or maybe "git reflog --all" to show you where your HEAD was over the last steps you did and where your branches were and what-not 18:17
oh 18:18
that commit was on "master" and apparently "main" is now the main branch instead 18:19
so you were basing your work off of "master" which had the logo-related commit that wasn't in "main" yet
[Coke]: do we want to have the irc webchat link open in a new window/tab by default? 18:20
[Coke] oops. I'll fix that. 18:22
(new window) I didn't change that, only the target URL
timo right
it was a suggestion for the future
[Coke] we should do the same on doc-website, whatever we decide.
timo right
could bounce everything off of raku.org/irc and raku.org/dev-irc if we are sure we never want to use that URL for something else 18:23
otherwise webirc.raku.org could be made and that could redirect so we can point at it from one spot
Geth raku.org/coke/irc2: 0ca8fb11fe | (Will Coleda)++ | README.md
Don't bother poor moritz if the build fails.
raku.org/coke/irc2: df52d049c8 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/community/irc/index.html
Remove bots not seen since 2018
raku.org/coke/irc2: 343837d598 | (Will Coleda)++ | 4 files
Use libera's built in URLS for web irc.
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #228:
[Coke] timo: yah, I only didn't make that change because I wasn't sure it was actually working. 18:25
... and it's not? raku.org/irc 18:26
timo is that where the .htaccess from source/ is installed to? do we actually host that on apache? 18:27
timo "OpenBSD httpd" might be refering to apache? 18:30
tonyo alright, local testing for the new zef eco is underway 18:51
old fez clients will continue to work for the foreseeable future, but the go live will be accompanied by a fez update that will update the upload endpoint (and start giving live feedback when uploading). the update will cause the old upload endpoint to stop working 19:01
uploads using the old client will delay showing up in the index further but will still show up 19:02
[Coke] can we get a point release on the old client to explain why it's not working? 19:09
... or will an update just take them to the new client at this point anyway? (unclear if it's the same module) 19:10
tonyo update will take them to the new client 20:26
i'll do a release announcement and the version will bump to 100
patrickb \o/ tonyo++ 21:31
tonyo =<< FATAL: Something went wrong while authenticating: Invalid auth. User<42:tonyo> is not a member of 42:not-authed. 22:23
with this, too, fez will be able to handle multiple ecosystems to upload to, so you won't be tied explicitly to zef, though i do have plans to build some web UI stuff to help you manage dists for zef specifically 22:24
librasteve sounds like soft lock in to me (nice!) 22:25
tonyo and for those of you waiting on me to fix the META index, that should also be fixed with this and the skipped versions will start showing up in the index (as quickly as it takes me to write some migration stuff) 22:26
and sorry for that delay
tonyo missing versions in the index should show up for y'all shortly, might be a bit of a delay with the s3 cache 23:32
~15 missing versions will appear
correction, 14. 23:35