tbrowder o7 anybody use github pages for a website but with their own domain? i did once, but didn't document it well, and github's docos seem to be mostly almost circular links 11:11
tbrowder ah, found a better descrip on stack overflow 12:00
kmazza2 Is there a way to use heredocs in the Rakudo REPL? 14:08
lizmat kmazza2 at the moment, you can not 16:34
lizmat kmazza2 heredocs will be supported in the 2025.02 release of Rakudo 17:19
if you can't wait for that, you can get raku.land/zef:lizmat/REPL 0.0.15 to get the same support now 17:20
kmazza2 Wow lizmat, you do great work for this community. Thank you so much 💯 17:35
lizmat you're welcome: good ideas that can be implemented easily are always welcome :) 17:37
[Coke] can't install JSON::Class on windows, getting "JSON::Class is not composable, so Outer cannot compose it" 20:43
using 2025.01
... and it was a flapper? 20:54
Mrtophat hello 21:03
timo greetings 21:04
Mrtophat when is this chat for???
timo this channel is for the Raku programming language 21:05
Mrtophat oh thank you 21:06
[Coke] anyone know why github.com/jonathanstowe/META6/issues/31 might happen? in the test file all($foo.list) ~~ META6 fails, but testing each one individually works. 21:29
timo didn't i recently see something about ACCEPTS on type objects with a custom implementation of ACCEPTS? and it depended upon whether the ACCEPTS method allows a type object as self or not? 21:39
oh, there is no custom accepts involved there, is there 21:41
[Coke] nope. 21:42
Geth setup-raku/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/multi-939339bafa: e2491e2d88 | dependabot[bot]++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Bump @octokit/request-error and @actions/github

Bumps [@octokit/request-error](github.com/octokit/request-error.js) to 5.1.1 and updates ancestor dependency [@actions/github](github.com/actions/toolkit/tree/HE...s/github). These dependencies need to be updated together.
Updates `@octokit/request-error` from 2.1.0 to 5.1.1
  - [Release notes](github.com/octokit/request-error.js/releases)
... (15 more lines)