🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
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Geth rakudo/main: 7b6c81c758 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/RakuAST/Fixups.pm6
RakuAST: give D<> same semantics as M<> and X<>

As discussed in:
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Geth rakudo/main: 0d64188030 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: fix deparsing of D<> M<> X<>
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