Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth cro-http/master: 6 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++, Altai-man++ 14:07
Geth cro-http: 78af4a4659 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Provide get-body and friends in Cro::HTTP::Client

Very often one only wants the response body and doesn't care about the headers. However, today we make people write out this boilerplate:
   my $response = await $client.get('foo.bar/baz');
   my $body = await $response.body;
... (8 more lines)
cro-http: 70cfbc76ee | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #139 from croservices/body-convenience

Provide get-body and friends in Cro::HTTP::Client
Geth cro-http/router-plugin-api-and-resources: 4a31e61ac7 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
Add a router plugin mechanism

For a number of upcoming fixes and features, the following pattern comes up repeatedly:
  * We have a sub that is part of the router setup DSL that provides some
   configuration for the `route` block
... (19 more lines)
cro-websocket: 073c87890f | (Vadim Belman)++ | t/websocket-client.t
Fix a flapper

  `ok` is called in a `.tap` callback could be done at the same time with
later called `throws-like` resulting in +1 test within `throws-like` subtest and -1 to the global plan.
cro-websocket: ebf1db75ef | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | t/websocket-client.t
Merge pull request #35 from vrurg/fix-test-flapper

Fix a flapper
patrickb Yay, templates from resources are coming! Thanks jnthn! 18:17
japhb Oh definitely, jnthn++ for that one! 18:27