xinming Anyone here has good ways to auto restart cro service so it can be easiier for doing developement please? 17:18
patrickb not entirely sure, but I think the "cro" tool can do that 17:57
coleman if you need to run a more elaborate script, try entr 19:20
but I do think the cro tool does have a hot reload mode for template updates. I haven't used it for a while though 19:21
it was a part of before we went all-static
melezhik. Yes cro app when runs in dev mode does hot reload on changes in any file 19:58
xinming Ok, thanks, I lost cro cli for a long while, and now, when I create project, I copy the skeleton to other folder, and rename modules. 20:41
Xliff Hello! 23:39
I'm trying to see if I can act on Cro internal exceptions when I am running a Cro server. Say an exception of type X::Cro::HTTP::Router::OnlyInHandler is thrown. Is there any way for me to act on that at the application level? 23:40
Near as I can tell, it looks like Cro handles those internally and I can't even get a notice that such has occurred at the application logic level. 23:41
*SMACK* -- there is Cro::UnhandledErrorReporter.... thanks anyways! 23:44