everynametaken So complete beginner, tried running a small program with raku --profile=name.html just for fun. It produced an html file, but when opened with a browser (on Windows 11) it doesn't show any variables loading in. Anything I can do to fix this? 01:00
librasteve @everynametaken when I tried this on quite a large program it took a while (on my M1 mac) to populate the variable fields (several mins). You may want to try on a tiny program with no library imports first to check if this is just a matter of time. 11:33
everynametaken This was with a tiny program 16:47
Tried it with $_.say for (1...99) and got the same result 16:49
lizmat then it haz a bug :-( --profile has been lacking TLC for a time already :-( 16:52
everynametaken Guess I'll need to reinstall (and try an older version) 16:56
lizmat everynametaken what are you trying to achieve ? 17:01
everynametaken I honestly just wanted to try profiling a Raku program I made for fun (back in advent of code). Guess I don’t “need” to do so, just wanted to out of curiosity. 18:15
lizmat well, if it's an itch you want to scratch.. :-) you're welcome to try and fix the issue! 18:18
antononcube @everynametaken Alternatively, find some other itches you do not need to have a scratch them (with Raku.) And report any in interesting results. 19:44
Boring results are fine, too.