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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth cro-http: vrurg++ created pull request #199:
Fix cases where cookie may have duplicate parameters
03:09 Pe_Elle left, Pe_Elle joined
Geth cro-http: 73d82396c0 | (Vadim Belman)++ | lib/Cro/HTTP/Cookie.pm6
Fix cases where cookie may have duplicate parameters

This is a real-life case where dumb ASP.NET software managed to set two conflicting values for `SameSite` parameter. Such situation causes Cro::HTTP::Cookie to die.
According to RFC 6265bis specs (or, at least, according to how ChatGPT ... (5 more lines)
cro-http: 809847df60 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/Cro/HTTP/Cookie.pm6
Merge pull request #199 from vrurg/cookie-multi-param-fix

Fix cases where cookie may have duplicate parameters
08:40 sena_kun joined 08:57 sena_kun left 09:27 lizmat left 09:29 lizmat joined 10:01 Pe_Elle left, Pe_Elle joined 10:06 Pe_Elle left 10:21 Pe_Elle joined 11:23 Pe_Elle left 11:38 Pe_Elle joined 13:17 Pe_Elle left, Pe_Elle joined 14:07 Pe_Elle left 14:09 Pe_Elle joined 14:14 Pe_Elle left 14:27 Pe_Elle joined 15:30 Pe_Elle left 15:43 Pe_Elle joined 15:47 Pe_Elle left 16:01 Pe_Elle joined 16:06 Pe_Elle left 16:36 Pe_Elle joined 16:43 Pe_Elle left 17:17 Pe_Elle joined 17:40 sena_kun joined 18:22 Pe_Elle left 18:35 Pe_Elle joined 20:43 lizmat left 22:15 sena_kun left 22:55 Pe_Elle left 23:09 Pe_Elle joined 23:22 lizmat joined