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patrickb ping lizmat: Did you see my above message? (I am able to change permissions myself, but wanted to get feedback on the change first.) 09:14
Also, in general, who are the interested parties in cro at the moment? I.e. who do I need to consult for anything Cro? I kind of feel in charge, but no idea if I am... 09:16
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lizmat patrickb: afaics you are in control now :-) 13:11
re permissions: not sure whether there was any thought given to it 13:12
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patrickb Cool. Then I'll feel more free to actually take decisions. Thanks for the heads up. 13:30
lizmat you're very much welcome, applying forgiveness is easier :-) 13:33
and empowering people is good :-)
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coleman I still don't have auto deploy, but the cro website runs off of this container image quay.io/repository/chroot.club/cro-website and it is built from this Dockerfile github.com/Raku/cro-website/blob/m...Dockerfile ; Any changes I can deploy in short order. 16:58
The container build needs to be optimized. It's too slow as a single-stage (note to self). 16:59
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