🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
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Geth | advent/main: edad83e4e2 | (Haytham Elganiny)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md Update authors.md |
04:49 | |
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todd2 | how do I ask zef to tell me what an installed package dependencies are? | 06:36 | |
.vushu | @antononcube I have pushed your fix for raku.land/zef:vushu/FEN::Grammar, thx 🙂 | 06:42 | |
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timo | todd2: zef has the command "zef depends" + the identity of the package | 10:05 | |
tellable6 | timo, I'll pass your message to todd2 | ||
timo | oh i'm too late | 10:06 | |
librasteve | maybe todd2 is in the us of a | ||
patrickb | what's the quickest way to turn a Seq into a list? | 10:22 | |
librasteve | formally - .list | 10:30 | |
I often use [] but that gets you and array | |||
or via list assignment maybe (needs a slip) my @l = |$s | 10:32 | ||
oops that's an Array too, I mean | |||
my List $l = |$s | |||
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fwiw this is the kind of raku weeds that makes me always prefer and propose beginners use @ and [] whenever they want to deal with many things ;-) ... Seq and List bring things like laziness and "immutability", but honestly I do not think most raku code needs to optimize for these | 10:37 | ||
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nahita3882 | i benchmarked $s.list, $s.cache, $s.eager and @$s | 10:52 | |
eager scales badly and @$s and .cache seems to be the quickest ones and are about the same | |||
paste.debian.net/1336285/ | |||
> my List $l = |$s interestingly, after this, $l.WHAT says (Slip) | 10:57 | ||
librasteve | I had forgotten about the @$s list contextualizer - thanks for the reminder - on speed, does it depend how the Seq is defined - I guess you are using PullOne on an Iterator behind the scenes? | ||
nahita3882 | i tried to define the Seq once in a "setup" code, but since Seqs are usable only 1 time, couldn't do, e.g., 100 runs | 10:59 | |
so instead, I slipped the Seq generation into the benchmarked code fragments themselves along with listifications | |||
librasteve | m: say Slip ~~ List | 11:00 | |
evalable6 | True | ||
Raku eval | True | ||
nahita3882 | so the absolute timings posted do include the Seq generation, but it's the same Seq generation for all, so the relative differences shouldn2t be affected | ||
oh, so a Slip is a List too | 11:01 | ||
librasteve | so the quickest answer is |$s ;-) | ||
nahita3882 | yeah i timed that and it's as fast as .list but .cache seems to be slightly faster on large Seqs | 11:02 | |
e.g., after 100,000 elements | 11:03 | ||
but yeah it's the quickest to type and very fast, so :p | |||
librasteve | but slip doesn't reify the elems | 11:06 | |
nahita3882 | it doesn't? | ||
librasteve | m: my $r = 1..Inf; say my $rr = |$r; say $rr[3]; | ||
evalable6 | (...) 4 |
Raku eval | (...) 4 | ||
librasteve | maybe cache does reify the elements either | 11:07 | |
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m: my $r = 1..Inf; say my $rc = $r.cache; say $rc[3]; | 11:08 | ||
Raku eval | (...) 4 | ||
evalable6 | (...) 4 |
librasteve | doesnt I mean | ||
nahita3882 | i think in these cases it knows it's an Infinite list and becomes a List that is lazy (.is-lazy holds) | 11:10 | |
because .list or .Array even also works the same | |||
librasteve | ok - must reread the docs | 11:11 | |
nahita3882 | oh I think you are right... | 11:12 | |
only .eager reifies on the spot and timings i reported are fake | |||
librasteve | I assumed that .cache would just remember the elems of the Seq that had been already accessed, presumably 0..X (where X is the highest index accessed before) | ||
nahita3882 | sorry and thanks for the insight | 11:13 | |
librasteve | and there must be "near infinite" Seqs and ones that get harder the larger they are | ||
well there is raku and then there is deep raku | 11:14 | ||
antononcube | @vushu Thanks! I pushed a new version of “JavaScripdt::D3” that depends on the new version of “FEN::Grammar”. | 11:37 | |
tbrowder | hi. do i rember there is a way to create a routine to keep its data during a program's lifetime? i would like it to contain a persistent hash. | 11:40 | |
which is also modifiable. | 11:41 | ||
i searched the docs for persistent, save, but nada yet... | 11:42 | ||
there is a method cache mentioned... | 11:43 | ||
static... | 11:47 | ||
conceptionally a globally available class object with variable internal state... | 11:51 | ||
ok, class with a 'my' variable...trying that... | 12:04 | ||
may be easier to use a global hash... | 12:08 | ||
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timo | tbrowder: you were probably looking for "state", but do remember that it's not thread-safe on its own, you will need to use something like locking if you need that | 12:42 | |
m: sub collect($in) { state @foo; @foo.push: $in; say "i have @foo.tail(3)"; }; collect(1); collect(2); collect(3); collect(4); collect(5) | 12:43 | ||
camelia | i have 1 i have 1 2 i have 1 2 3 i have 2 3 4 i have 3 4 5 |
tbrowder | timo: thanks. yes 'state', normally i don't explicitly use threads, but good to kmow. lizmat showed me recently how to use hyper and such. but i have no need for most of my use cases. | 13:26 | |
timo | ok, it's a good thing to keep in mind if you expect that code to be re-used, is all | 13:27 | |
tbrowder | you bet! | 13:28 | |
is there a thread concern about a global hash? | |||
lizmat | any hash is not thread-safe unless access to it is protected by a lock | 13:29 | |
tbrowder | ok, thank you both | 13:30 | |
lizmat | of course, if you use a lexical hash in a subroutine or method and inside of that lexical scope you don't start any other threads, you don't have to worry about that | 13:32 | |
which is in like 99.8% of the cases | |||
but hashes an sich are **not** thread safe, as are arrays | |||
timo | arrays are thread safe as long as you don't resize them concurrently to any other kind of access | 13:33 | |
tbrowder | so a | 13:34 | |
timo | and they cannot be lazy either | ||
tbrowder | is there any way to check if a program is thread safe? | 13:36 | |
timo | you mean static analysis? | ||
it's a huge field of research, and kind of rust's "killer feature" | 13:37 | ||
there is also a difference between "just" thread safe as in "does not crash" and "still gives the correct results when parallelized" | 13:38 | ||
tbrowder | some company was giving "free" static analyses for open source projects at one time... | ||
timo | do you mean coverity check? | 13:39 | |
tbrowder | yes, that's it | ||
timo | we've run that against moar a couple times | ||
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tbrowder | in my "linear" code is it fairly easy to lock-protect a global hash just to be safe? | 13:42 | |
timo | yeah, if you make sure to decont on the way out of the lock's protect block, too. otherwise code can assign to the container you got out of the hash while it was protected and still change the hash outside of the protected time and explode stuff | 13:43 | |
tbrowder | it's actually accessed by subroutines | 13:44 | |
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tbrowder | sounds like a good advent article: using global hashes and other containers... | 13:48 | |
my hash keys are integers, its values are read-only class objects | 13:50 | ||
the insertions are by a subroutine, i'm not gonna not worry about it until i get multiple users on the same host... | 13:52 | ||
*double negative!! you know what i'm trying to say :-D | 13:55 | ||
lizmat | multiple simultaneous requests is what you need to worry about :-) | 13:56 | |
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antononcube | @lizmat and @trbrowder First complete version of my Raku Advent post "Don't use Forsyth-Edwards Notation to play chess with LLMs". (It needs more proofreading and example plots.) github.com/antononcube/RakuForPred...th-LLMs.md | 14:01 | |
I forgot what the next steps -- I think I have to make a draft blog post in Raku Advent blog, right? | 14:02 | ||
lizmat | yes, please | 14:03 | |
antononcube | @lizmat Ok. | 14:04 | |
[Coke] needs to write something that lets me register things I install with zef and auto-install them if they're not present in my current zef. (cal, uni ...) | 14:10 | ||
timo | sounds like a thing for devcontainers :) | 14:11 | |
[Coke] wonders how many hours it would take to do that so he could then be a little lazy later. | |||
antononcube | A related sentiment -- if I knew how much effort that first Advent article of mine would take, I would have skipped it. (Well, I skipped a related chess-plotting one last year too, but I guess I forgot why...) | 14:14 | |
tbrowder | lizmat: to my eyes, i don’t see any possibility of multiple simultaneous requests… | 14:15 | |
lizmat | are you using Cro ? | 14:16 | |
tbrowder | moi? no | 14:17 | |
lizmat | then you don't have to worry :-) | ||
tbrowder | [Coke]: i have a module in work to do that… | 14:18 | |
name is Zef::DB | |||
right now the exe need manual editing to insert the module names of interest. | 14:30 | ||
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donaldh | lizmat: I _may_ have an advent contribution. But I'd appreciate a review before I commit more time to it. It's a blog post I started writing a while back but parked and never got back to. | 14:44 | |
timo | o/ donaldh | ||
donaldh | o/ timo | 14:45 | |
s/while/couple of years/ | 14:46 | ||
timo | ahem, "big mood" | 14:47 | |
had i started with the MoarVM Remote Debugger improvements half a year ago, maybe there would be enough for a blog post already | 14:49 | ||
advent post, even | |||
donaldh | maybe a progress report? | 14:52 | |
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librasteve | @antononcube github.com/Raku/advent ... the instructions are here | 14:52 | |
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[Coke] | (progress) yes, that would be great. :) | 14:57 | |
timo | progress report would be good for a blog post, but i'm not sure if it fits into advent | 14:58 | |
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Geth | advent: librasteve++ created pull request #113: add librasteve to authors |
15:03 | |
librasteve | Im surprised that raku Array is thread safe (iirc there were previous discussions about this) - personally i would treat anything that is writeable and global as thread unsafe - you can use .map to self modify an Array depending on the previous value - so that could easily get stomped on | 15:07 | |
(which is also a bad pattern imo, but raku gives us the power to do bad stuff) | 15:08 | ||
(and you can write bad stuff in rust if you want, too) | |||
timo | there are operations on array that are, and operations that are not thread safe | 15:09 | |
or rather, there are sets of operations that are thread safe only when they are combined amongst themselves, and operations that make even the otherwise thread safe operations unsafe to run at the same time | 15:11 | ||
coleman | Re: Advent, I love the Christmas season. But if I could accomplish anything 24 days in a row with consistency I'd probably be a lot richer and thinner | 15:12 | |
librasteve | oh - I think I misinterpreted lizmats post but hashes an sich are not thread safe, as are arrays | ||
timo | fortunately we can spread the advent posts between multiple authors | 15:13 | |
coleman | ah okay I can commit to 1 then! | ||
timo | 24 days of blogging in a row sounds like a recipe for burnout, unless it's like "microblogging" | 15:14 | |
antononcube | Is the generation of Chernobyl snow-globes (via Raku) a relevant Christmas topic? Here are some examples: imgur.com/a/q2fyCuP | 15:15 | |
coleman | I've put a stake in the ground to make sure I do it. github.com/Raku/infra/issues/58 And anyone is allowed to nudge me there (infra is private to GitHub members, though) | 15:16 | |
antononcube | That link cannot be reached. | 15:17 | |
timo | yeah that's a private repo | ||
antononcube | Agh, yeah, private members only... | ||
timo | not much to see in that issue, just that coleman wants to write an advent post | ||
antononcube | Good -- go coleman! | ||
coleman | Yea, we keep infra private in case we need to post PII to get in contact with people. | 15:18 | |
Anyone can pop into #raku-infra to talk, though | |||
timo | i'm not sure what to think about the concept of chernobyl snow globes | 15:19 | |
antononcube | @timo It is too much dark humor. Those kind of globes can be bought though: www.etsy.com/listing/1554977885/ch...at-ukraine | 15:21 | |
librasteve | think I prefer englishman, irishman, scotsman jokes | 15:23 | |
(which I have stopped telling btw) | 15:25 | ||
timo | i like puns and wordplay quite a bit (not very good at it though) | ||
antononcube | Agh. I was experimenting with "three vegan women went into a bar" jokes exactly one year ago. | 15:26 | |
I mean, LLM generation of those jokes. | |||
timo | "dad jokes" i find enjoyable usually | ||
coleman | anton those LLMs are going to get you in trouble someday | 15:27 | |
verify all joke output! | |||
librasteve | I think a bad sense of humour == more likely to prefer raku over python | 15:28 | |
antononcube | 😮 , seems likely... | ||
timo | by bad sense of humour you mean good sense of humour right? | ||
librasteve | precisely | ||
antononcube | @timo How do you call an elephant that does not matter? (ʇuɐɥdǝꞁǝɹɹI) | 15:30 | |
librasteve | always wondered how I was going to spend my last 4 minuts | ||
antononcube | @lizmat Posting answers to "bad dad jokes" is perfect use case for "Acme::Text::UpsideDown". | 15:31 | |
@librasteve I am considering withdrawing my ROFL emoji from your bad sense of humor comment. (Because of your subsequent clarifications.) | 15:33 | ||
"Bad sense of humor" in what direction: more likely to make bad jokes, or more likely to not get a joke? | 15:35 | ||
@timo What do you call a lazy kangaroo? (oʇɐʇod ɥɔnod ∀) | 15:37 | ||
timo | ah, not bad | ||
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antononcube | Elephant one is from the book "Really Bad Dad Jokes"; the kangaroo one is from a co-worker's father. | 15:41 | |
librasteve_ | run this script.raku > index.html and open in a browser for HTMX driven jokes www.irccloud.com/pastebin/8DwTdjSy | 15:42 | |
timo | interesting, using ; in an array instead of , because ; doesn't go into sub argument lists? | 15:45 | |
that's something i never thought of | |||
antononcube | @librasteve I run that script -- good HTMX example! | 15:56 | |
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El_Che | it looks like a curl | sh kind of hack :P | 16:01 | |
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librasteve | timo: well spotted - yes, ; suppresses the tendency for sub argument list to slurp all - since i played wiht perl and raku a long time I do not think that this is an accident but another tool in the box Larry gave us | 16:17 | |
timo | it was easy to spot given the comment explaining it :D | 16:18 | |
librasteve | you know it may be possible to make a full slang for functional HTML, but imo we have such a lot of good stuff in the regular raku sub parse syntax that is easier to reuse in a case likt this | ||
it's one thing to see and read the comment, but another to appreciate the subtle distinction | 16:19 | ||
other things we take for granted are the inner -> outer parsing of nested subs | |||
timo | now you're making me wonder if there's a lot of value to be gained from a slang (or just sub/operator based DSL) to make nativecall-using code a little less nasty for the more esoteric use cases involving lots of casts | 16:20 | |
librasteve | the thing is that Larry was very, very good at making syntax and his slangs are had to beat | ||
hard | 16:21 | ||
coleman | There's huge value. Isn't that what rust's bindgen does? | ||
timo | i assume that's more like gptrixie? | ||
coleman | i dunno gptrixie but in bindgen you feed it a header file, basically | 16:22 | |
timo | i'm thinking less about the part where you have to write your sub and class definitions | ||
librasteve | forgive me _ i do not mean to downplay the need for a bindgen in raku | ||
timo | yeah, gptrixie also gets fed a header file and it makes raku code with NativeCall from functions, structs, classes, enums, typedefs, and whatnot | ||
librasteve | but I am happy to take whatever works best in practice to make it work | ||
coleman | whoa never heard of gptrixie; haven't written native bindings, though | ||
timo | native bindings aren't so bad, but it can definitely get a bit annoying | 16:23 | |
coleman | yea; a good FFI design is tough, though. Some libraries don't play nice. | 16:24 | |
timo | the most annoying i've seen so far was to translate ioctl calls; there's a strange macro involved that nom-noms a struct | ||
librasteve | rust is terrible since it has no ABI | ||
coleman | haha okay | 16:25 | |
I wrote a ton of rust a few years ago. It's tooling is so impressive. But I felt like I wasn't learning anything. All the cool stuff was a proc macro or unsafe or...bindings | 16:26 | ||
I was missing something, I felt. Like, Rust was written by people who were really good with C/C++ and I wanted to learn those lessons too. Even if it meant giving up a package manager and dealing with segfaults. | 16:27 | ||
I am still not good at C but I go through the motions. timo thanks for putting up with me | |||
timo | ok now that i look at it more closely it's not inscrutable, but i was talking about the _IOWR macro down here codebrowser.dev/linux/linux/includ...ctl.h.html | 16:28 | |
the part that takes a struct literally just uses sizeof on it | 16:29 | ||
i was afraid there would be some incredible deep magic and i just didn't look more closely and just had vscode / clangd give me the number that comes out at the end | |||
tbrowder | ref BEGIN block: i can do lots of stuff setting file content and such, but so far i'm unable to call a sub. any way to do that? | 16:48 | |
Geth | advent/main: 7085b36bdc | librasteve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files add librasteve to authors (#113) * README to 2024 * add self |
16:58 | |
advent/main: 970a2f1117 | (Coleman McFarland)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md Add Coleman to authors Refs github.com/Raku/infra/issues/58 |
17:14 | ||
timo | coleman: i'm not sure what i'm "putting up" with exactly ;) | 17:34 | |
coleman | :) | 17:35 | |
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ugexe | [Coke]: you can sort of do that using rakubrew + --with now that github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/issues/80 is resolved | 18:03 | |
$ rakubrew exec --with moar-2024.03 zef list --installed site vendor 2> /dev/null | rakubrew exec zef install - | |||
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tbrowder | .ask antononcube mathematica is offering a good deal for a perpetual hobbyist license. thinks | 21:15 | |
tellable6 | tbrowder, I'll pass your message to antononcube | ||
tbrowder | *think it's worth it for a mostly raku junky? | 21:16 | |
teatime | how much? | 21:33 | |
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antononcube | Yes is is worth it. It is the most complicated program in world. It is best "intellectual property" to have per dollar. | 22:21 | |
tellable6 | 2024-11-21T21:15:05Z #raku <tbrowder> antononcube mathematica is offering a good deal for a perpetual hobbyist license. thinks | ||
antononcube | Also, see the "RakuMode" paclet: resources.wolframcloud.com/PacletR.../RakuMode/ | 22:22 | |
@teatime Currently, the so called "Black Friday" discounts show ≈$250 for the hobbyists perpetual license, and ≈$50 for students. | 22:24 | ||
teatime | ty | ||
antononcube | cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633...8a0d4& | 22:25 | |
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roguerakudev | lizmat - I have a draft of a Raku Advent article, and I was wondering whether I should add it to the authors.md list or if that's for the organizers to do later | 22:59 | |
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tbrowder | antononcube: any way to mention Mathematica's "RakuMode" on Raku.land, perhaps? | 23:06 | |
antononcube | Hm… I don’t think so. But I have mentioned “RakuMode” in Reddit. | 23:07 | |
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tbrowder | thnx | 23:24 | |
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antononcube | @tbrowder Are you an Advent posts editor? | 23:37 | |
I.e. of the corresponding GitHub repository. | |||
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