Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
patrickb ping lizmat: Did you see my above message? (I am able to change permissions myself, but wanted to get feedback on the change first.) 09:14
Also, in general, who are the interested parties in cro at the moment? I.e. who do I need to consult for anything Cro? I kind of feel in charge, but no idea if I am... 09:16
lizmat patrickb: afaics you are in control now :-) 13:11
re permissions: not sure whether there was any thought given to it 13:12
patrickb Cool. Then I'll feel more free to actually take decisions. Thanks for the heads up. 13:30
lizmat you're very much welcome, applying forgiveness is easier :-) 13:33
and empowering people is good :-)
coleman I still don't have auto deploy, but the cro website runs off of this container image quay.io/repository/chroot.club/cro-website and it is built from this Dockerfile github.com/Raku/cro-website/blob/m...Dockerfile ; Any changes I can deploy in short order. 16:58
The container build needs to be optimized. It's too slow as a single-stage (note to self). 16:59