00:04 Pe_Elle joined 01:32 Pe_Elle left 01:47 Pe_Elle joined 02:48 Pe_Elle left 03:05 Pe_Elle joined 03:15 japhb left 03:17 japhb joined 03:30 librasteve_ left 03:33 japhb left 03:37 japhb joined 03:41 Pe_Elle left 03:42 Pe_Elle joined 09:48 sena_kun joined 12:50 sena_kun left 18:00 librasteve_ joined 18:02 Pe_Elle left 18:03 Pe_Elle joined 18:07 sena_kun joined, Pe_Elle left 18:13 Geth left, Geth joined 18:31 Pe_Elle joined 18:36 Pe_Elle left 18:49 Pe_Elle joined 18:58 Pe_Elle left 19:26 Pe_Elle joined 19:34 Pe_Elle left 19:50 Pe_Elle joined 20:11 Pe_Elle left 20:26 Pe_Elle joined 21:30 Pe_Elle left 22:17 Pe_Elle joined 22:21 Pe_Elle left
Geth cro-http: 4e811a1db7 | (Patrick Böker)++ | lib/Cro/HTTP/Client.pm6
Fix another connection reuse race

Connection reuse is subject to a race condition where remote connection tear down races with reusing the connection for a new request. There were already locks in place for access to `$!next-response-vow` /
  `%!outstanding-stream-responses` but the lock didn't cover the check for
  `$!dead`, thus it was possible for the dead check to succeed, the
connection being torn down and only then the next response vow to be taken.
cro-http: ac03da80d0 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | lib/Cro/HTTP/Client.pm6
Merge pull request #191 from patrickbkr/http11-retry

Fix a connection reuse race
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