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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
lizmat librasteve you now have Editor access 00:03
antononcube I, for one, welcome our new Rakuditor overlords! 00:44
lizmat SmokeMachine: raku.land/zef:lizmat/Prompt now supports Completions for Linenoise and Terminal::LineEditor 12:47
tbrowder yo, i just learned the importance of the INIT phaser: i had to use it to finish defining my global hash when the BEGIN phaser couldn't handle it 'cause the required sub (executable) wasn't yet contructed. 12:55
i think that's what timo warned about 12:56
and others
antononcube @tbrowder Talk to @habere-et-dispar about PDF calendar making (in Raku.) 13:52
SmokeMachine lizmat: thanks for letting me know! I also saw your commands… looks interesting ! 14:23
lizmat FWIW, the latest REPL module also does Raku completions now 14:27
SmokeMachine Interesting! 14:28
On commands, should s/ass-method/add-command/ on read me?
lizmat SmokeMachine: ?? 14:39
SmokeMachine (Sorry, I’m on cellphone…) usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...459238.JPG 14:40
lizmat that says "add-method" ? 14:41
aah.... not "ass-" :-) 14:42
yeah, it should
fixed in repo, thanks! 14:43
SmokeMachine Sorry, I didn’t see the typo… I’m very sorry… 14:49
lizmat no worries :-)
[Coke] (marked for deletion) - not on the web UI, they're not. 16:05
tbrowder antononcube: does the person want PM? or email? or file an issue with Calendar. gotta go for now... 16:59
antononcube Not sure. The calendar question was asked in "raku-beginner". 17:58
librasteve lizmat: tx! 18:01
tbrowder ah, going there... 19:03