Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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patrickb librasteve: By when do we need the Cro-Webapp release latest? (There is a blog / advent post for it in the pipeline, right?) 19:37
librasteve lol - the post is scheduled for Day 3 (ie Tuesday) - but don't worry I have just said to zef github HEAD 19:38
if you do have the chance to release let me know and I will update the post 19:39
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also when we release I will update the HTMX folk 19:40
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lizmat fwiw, we could move the blog post till later 19:47
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librasteve lizmat: thanks for the suggestion - on balance my preference would be to decouple these things as I don't want to put any unnecessary deadline on a Cro release (since there are likely several other things that are part of the new version) - but I don't really mind either way 19:54
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patrickb lizmat: I'm currently trying my hand on a release of cro-webapp. 20:26
in META6.json, auth is currently zef:cro. Can this stay?
also authors currently has only jnthn in it. What should I do with that? Leave it like it is? Add the releaser? Remove jnthn, add releaser? Add all sorts of people that commited stuff? 20:28
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patrickb if we want zef:cro to stay, I need to be added to that group. 20:38
or do we change that to "zef:raku-community-modules"? 20:39
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lizmat patrickb: sorry, was afk 23:34
changing to raku-community-modules is an option, but would advise against it 23:35
better to make a zef:cro a group
not sure if that could be done, perhaps create a group "raku-cro" 23:36
and make yourself admin on that and add any people you think need release access
and then change the auth to zef:raku-cro of course 23:37