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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:06 yewscion joined 00:12 lizmat joined, Geth joined 00:24 yewscion left 00:27 zenmov left 01:03 vrurg_ left 01:24 zenmov joined 01:26 yewscion joined
antononcube @lizmat I put in the draft of my first Raku Advent 2024 post. 01:29
01:32 yewscion left
Geth advent: mustafaaydn++ created pull request #122:
Update authors.md
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Geth advent/main: add5844734 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | 2 files
coleman advent 2024 draft: simple-html-dashboard
advent/main: c44efd17ed | (Coleman McFarland)++ | 2 files
rename asciidoc to markdown
advent/main: 3329f7a994 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | raku-advent-2024/articles/simple_html_dashboard/simple-html-dashboard.md
simple-html-dashboard: convert asciidoc to markdown
advent/main: 0b5aeb4bb8 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
coleman: ready for scheduling
06:24 eseyman joined 07:33 yewscion joined 07:37 yewscion left
librasteve news.ycombinator.com/from?site=raku-advent.blog 07:54
posted day 1 at HN
07:59 yewscion joined 08:08 yewscion left 09:04 sena_kun joined 09:48 sena_kun left 10:01 Manifest0 joined
Geth advent/main: a520bd9bab | (Mustafa Aydın)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
Update authors.md (#122)
11:17 Sgeo left
Geth advent/main: 4746c1d46f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
update scheduled posts
11:50 yewscion joined
tbrowder lizmat: i see there is a capability to install a free version of the Jetpack markdown editor as a plugin on a Wordpress site. 11:51
lizmat interesting!
antononcube I have been avoding Jetpack -- maybe I should try it. 11:53
tbrowder crud, never mind, that's with wordengine
lizmat ah, too bad
antononcube @lizmat My latest draft edition has absolute links to GitHub images. I plan replace them with corresponding images uploaded to WordPress/RakuAdvent. 11:54
I assume the latter is preferred. 11:55
11:55 yewscion left
Geth advent/main: 131a00ec7b | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
Add samebchase's post
tbrowder wait a mo, sitepoint says jetpack is usable
on a wordpress site... 11:57
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tbrowder hm, but cannot a user just upload html? isn't that the native language? 13:21
lizmat there's a block type that allows HTML afaik, but that's *not* the native language in WP afaik 13:24
tbrowder ah, once again i see the wp rest api. i think that might be the ticket. i could support a raku person's project to do that. maybe a paid project by raku foundation 13:27
13:44 eseyman left
xinming Is it possible to get the dir of with %?RESOURCES ? 13:46
Just tried with my $dir = %?RESOURCES<template>; "$dir".IO.slurp; It seems that $dir will be stringified to Any
but with %?RESOURCES<template/overview.html> It worked 13:47
hmm, my $dir = %?RESOURCES<template>; (dir "$dir").raku.say; doesn't show anything
lizmat xinming: %?RESOURCES are not necessarily limited to file systems 13:48
the default implementation is, but it is foreseeable that a resource could be fetched remotely 13:49
ugexe knows more about that :-)
xinming hmm, got it, so %?RESOURCES<template> doesn't points to filesystem by default, So I think I need to make file list before hand then. 13:50
antononcube @tbrowder I write my WordPress blogs in Markdown. I copy the rendered Markdown into the "visual" WordPress editor. 13:51
lizmat fwiw, that's also the approach I take
antononcube This produces fairly good results often. But the question how do you render the Markdown files.
lizmat if I get a markdown gist, go to gist.github.com, paste the markdown, set the filename with an .md extension, and look at Preview 13:52
and copy from there
and do some copy-editing after pasting in WP 13:53
antononcube I used IntelliJ for awhile, but with the newest IntelliJ versions the pasted-into-WordPress Markdown takes too much tweaking. On macOS the app OneMarkdown currently produces good results.
@lizmat Preview on GitHub? (I.e. via a web browser.)
lizmat yeah, while editing a gist, you have a Preview button 13:54
you don't actually need to create the gist :-)
antononcube Have seem/tried that.
Before, I was converting Markdown files with pandoc into HTML. But latest pandoc versions do follow the paragraph conventions of Markdown (when translating to HTML.) 13:55
Hence (of course!) I use a Raku package to convert Markdown to HTML.
I was considering using "Markdown::Grammar" for the conversions for my first Raku advent post. (I used IntelliJ first, and after proofreading I used OneMarkdown.) 13:57
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tbrowder xinming: the "key" is for precompiled stuff you need the exact path to a file as a key to that hash. 16:00
antononcube weekly: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...aku-set-1/ 18:10
notable6 antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
19:15 abraxxa-home joined
xinming m: my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %h = %h<>:kv.reverse; %h.raku.say; 19:40
camelia {"1" => "a", "2" => "b"}
xinming Is there a shortcut for %(%h<>:kv.reverse) ? 19:41
m: my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %(%h<>:kv.reverse)<1>.raku.say;
camelia "a"
xinming tbrowder: Yea, now I know. I'll write a file list to the config beforehand. 19:42
librasteve my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %h.invert.say 19:44
m: my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %h.invert.say
evalable6 Cannot test 530e20597d8289d8b62839886d6066d3f586a679 (Broken archive)
linkable6 (2024-11-29) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/530e20597d [JVM] Bump NQP to get run failure exit code fixes
19:45 librasteve_ joined
librasteve ah - let me jump over to IRC 19:45
librasteve_ m: my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %h.invert.say
camelia (1 => a 2 => b)
xinming got it, thanks. Yea, I do remember there is a method for this, Just forgot 19:49
librasteve_ m: my %h = (:a<1>, :b<2>); %(%h.invert).say
camelia {1 => a, 2 => b}
librasteve_ can do this if you want a Hash back
yeah - I try to do these examples to keep my memory going 19:50
19:56 gfldex left
xinming librasteve_: Yea, raku is really a *huge* language. 19:58
I'll be curious how many people in the future will learn all things of the language.
probably AGI with GPT will learn the whole language. 19:59
librasteve actually I "remembered" invert using ChatGPT - I literally posted in your question --- I do think that the nature of coding is changing with LLMs ... but imo most of the ideas like copilot are wrongheaded since they take you out of the flow ... but ChatGPT is a very very good way to search "documentation" and or to get a good starter skeleton to work off 20:03
xinming Ok, thanks. here in China, We can't use GPT 20:04
librasteve .oO 20:05
but learning raku is not as hard as learning the alphabet! 20:06
antononcube @xinming Can you use LLaMA? 20:20
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xinming antononcube: Not sure, Just heard GPT. 20:38
librasteve: raku is fun to learn, I've been following raku dev since pugs age. :-) 20:39
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botato anyone else doing advent of code in raku? github.com/bo-tato/advent-of-code-.../day1.raku 21:04
tbrowder antononcube: wow! 21:10
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m.dango botato: Don't know if I'll do every day this year but decided to give today a go. github.com/m-dango/advent-of-code/...ution.raku 21:25
[Coke] digs into his git repo and see he completely missed AOC 2023 21:57
... and apparently skipped 2022 except for a "hello world" skeleton on day 1 21:59
heh. and 2021's day1 no longer compiles. :) 22:00
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[Coke] botato: that is a very golfed solution! 23:25
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