00:20 Pe_Elle left
SmokeMachine I just merged the PR that changes the way to create Cromponents... I think that's better now. The code still needs many improvements, but the usage is near to what I want (still trying to figure out how to make not need to call <&HTML(.cromponent)>)... 00:42
I also updated the todo example with some css and made Todo Cromponent to be a Red model and store/load the todos from database 00:43
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SmokeMachine There is also a new role/cromponent called StyledComponent to add styles by class on a react's styled components way... (it still needs some work...) 00:49
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SmokeMachine Just to point out that if anyone want to see use cromponents from GitHub, now it depends on github.com/FCO/CSS-Nested that is just CSS::Gramar extended to accept (and convert) CSS nested rules 10:49
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Geth cro-core: patrickbkr++ created pull request #43:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-http: patrickbkr++ created pull request #200:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-tls/release-refactor: 37bbe544a9 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-tls: patrickbkr++ created pull request #14:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-webapp/release-refactor: 829ebba9af | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-webapp: patrickbkr++ created pull request #96:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-websocket/release-refactor: bf6724f278 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-websocket: patrickbkr++ created pull request #40:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro/release-refactor: d5caf9e723 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro: patrickbkr++ created pull request #167:
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-core: 994308132b | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-core: 9bf7d26996 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #43 from patrickbkr/release-refactor

Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-tls: 37bbe544a9 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-tls: 5dff5b0130 | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #14 from croservices/release-refactor

Add an API version to META6.json and add a `Changes` file
cro-tls/refresh-certs: 22ab7f250f | (Patrick Böker)++ | 4 files
Refresh certs
cro-tls/refresh-certs: 7bbb783597 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 5 files
Refresh certs
cro-tls: patrickbkr++ created pull request #15:
Refresh certs
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librasteve SmokeMachine: have you read this rstacruz.github.io/rscss/ ? 22:18
SmokeMachine reading now. The way I've done that is based on styled-components for react (styled-components.com/docs/basics) 22:23
22:33 Pe_Elle joined
SmokeMachine librasteve: this (rstacruz.github.io/rscss/elements.html) is the reason I had to create CSS::Nested (that I'm going to release in a few... but still very early stage of development) (github.com/FCO/CSS-Nested) 22:34
librasteve i am very interested in this topic ... i look forward to learning a lot in coming days! 22:38
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SmokeMachine currently, if you make your cromponents `does StyledComponent`, add ` class=<.class>` to your outer most element, you can create a method CSS that returns a css string (with no selector), that will be used on your cromponent. if you call `StyledComponent.add-stylesheet-route` inside your route block, it will create a new ` /css` route that will return your page's css 22:46
github.com/FCO/Cromponent/blob/mai...tyled.raku 22:48
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SmokeMachine librasteve: ^^ 22:57
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