Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: ebf3eca792 | ab5tract++ | 3 files
Fix revision-gating for more complex cases
ab5tract Managed to iron out the issue with revision gating in that branch 19:23
ugexe what is `nqp::chr(nqp::ord('c')` for? 19:33
ah i missed there isn't a closing paren yet 19:34
i wonder if there is a way to make the CI test show a summary at the end of what actually failed now that its outputting JUnit 19:37
otherwise it is difficult to find what failed due to all the TODOd tests in the output
looks like t/02-rakudo/12-multi-revision-gated.t is failing now 19:41
in that PR rather
ab5tract Maybe some debug is leftover
I’ll check that bit in a while
I can also remove the changes to the exception class, as a user should never be presented with a conflicted resolution for gated candidates 19:43
Ah, yeah, I see the problem now 19:46
Not debug related after all
ugexe: are we using a TAP -> JUnit converter? Or how is that working? 19:57
Regardless, it would be absolutely amazing to have a “final report” in CI 19:58
ugexe when i used JUnit before the CI system (in this case jenkins) had a page for showing / navigating the test results that is generated from the final JUnit output artifact 20:02
coleman As long as the file isn't too big, and your CI execution context has 1) support for secrets and 2) curl, you could use these example scripts to upload files to the Raku Zulip 20:04
It won't parse XUnit, though. Something else will need to do that. But it might help avoid digging around in the CI logs. 20:05
ugexe it looks like the test results get published *somewhere* so i imagine there is a summary view somewhere 20:06 20:12
that has a summary
i dont know how i got to that page though lol
ah ok, i go to azure pipelines from the github actions page by clicking the 1 errors/0 warnings link. that goes to 20:13
then click the 'tests' tab
if you have a small screen you might not see the relevant test summary stuff at the very bottom of that page 20:15
coleman I can see it. Very nice 20:19
patrickb timo: I'm looking at a CI failure releated to Azure failing to set a tag because of a permissions issue. It seems not everyone is allowed to create Azure build tags. 21:02
timo: It's probably this line that's causing the issue:
timo: Do you recall if that tag is only informational or needed for anything? If purely informational, I'd probably drop it. 21:03
timo purely informational 21:05
patrickb Agree to delete? 21:14
This is the pr btw:
timo no problem to delete 21:24
could i potentially get you to port some of the improvements over to the moarvm CI script? 21:27
patrickb Depends on where on my ever growing todo list you want me to place that... 21:32
timo ehehe. low priority on that 21:34
i haven't confirmed, but i think we're still doing the thing that takes ten minutes to find the "enterDevMode" powershell script on windows 21:35
patrickb ugh... 21:36
timo did you see that? :D
patrickb I didn't look
timo was a big WTF moment for me when i looked into why that stage was so slow
> if (Test-Path -Path ../where_is_devshell/here.txt -PathType leaf) { 21:37
patrickb I vaguely remember. We brainstormed what could possibly take so long trying to find the VS install...
timo this whole thing in thte CI script does that
well, that part implements a simple cache that tries the same path that was correct last time
ok yeah the moar config uses the PWSH_DEV snippet that the rakudo one used before as well. that should be easy to port over, i'll just do that quickly 21:39
2024-12-27T13:36:32.8590848Z ========================== Starting Command Output =========================== 21:41
2024-12-27T13:36:32.8591392Z ##[command]"C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ". 'D:\a\_temp\849583f9-8434-49d4-baa4-881add10c477.ps1'"
2024-12-27T13:42:18.0784780Z **********************************************************************
2024-12-27T13:42:18.0785786Z ** Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell v16.11.42
you thought when i just wrote "ten minutes" i was exaggerating. well, i did exaggerate a little bit. it's only about seven minutes and 40 seconds
i should give that github codeql tool a try to make a million pull requests that saves people around the globe minutes and minutes each to get a dev mode powershell if they do it dumb like we used to 21:42
Geth rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: 8f52fb73b7 | ab5tract++ | 3 files
Fix revision-gating for more complex cases
rakudo/ugexe/deprecate-multi-file-operations: e3542abaec | ab5tract++ | 3 files
Fix revision-gating for more complex cases
SmokeMachine Hi! I'm having problems when releasing distros, my several last releases did not work. Not for new versions neither for new distros. For example, I just released 3 distros (Red, Cromponent and CSS::Nested) and none of them seems to appear on is that happening only to me? I have opened a issue when it first happened ( 23:02
any idea/suggestion? 23:10
ab5tract I can't quite tell what's gone wrong with the Rakudo test suite on Windows... 23:55
ugexe not ok 1 - shell output 23:56
it'd be nice if the test summary showed the test file names, but it looks like maybe they dont 23:58
t/02-rakudo/15-gh_1202.t is the only thing i find with git grep
probably just flakey cause that doesn't look like it has anything to do with that pr 23:59