Welcome the channel on the development of Cro, a set of libraries for building reactive distributed systems, lovingly crafted to take advantage of all the Raku Programming Language has to offer (cro.services). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
xinming Anyone here has good ways to auto restart cro service so it can be easiier for doing developement please? 17:18
patrickb not entirely sure, but I think the "cro" tool can do that 17:57
coleman if you need to run a more elaborate script, try entr eradman.com/entrproject/ 19:20
but I do think the cro tool does have a hot reload mode for template updates. I haven't used it for a while though 19:21
it was a part of docs.raku.org before we went all-static
melezhik. Yes cro app when runs in dev mode does hot reload on changes in any file 19:58
xinming Ok, thanks, I lost cro cli for a long while, and now, when I create project, I copy the skeleton to other folder, and rename modules. 20:41
Xliff Hello! 23:39
I'm trying to see if I can act on Cro internal exceptions when I am running a Cro server. Say an exception of type X::Cro::HTTP::Router::OnlyInHandler is thrown. Is there any way for me to act on that at the application level? 23:40
Near as I can tell, it looks like Cro handles those internally and I can't even get a notice that such has occurred at the application logic level. 23:41
*SMACK* -- there is Cro::UnhandledErrorReporter.... thanks anyways! 23:44