brrt \o 10:22
brrt unfortunately, the strategy for string-to-number conversion has alll but changed in lua 5.3 vs lua 5.1 10:41
there is apprantly a way to push solaris libc into doing the right thing... but how? 10:42
hoelzro lizmat, timotimo: any thoughts on my article? any suggestions for improvement? 16:38
lizmat hoelzro: as for me, no :-( 16:39
hoelzro ok, thanks for taking the time to look at it =)
cygx o/ 20:43
ENOBRRT, so I left a comment at 20:52
brrt: ^ 20:53
konobi howdy 20:54
cygx: that'd be the issue I filed
cygx konobi: added another comment
konobi cool 20:55
jnthn cygx++ konobi++
konobi yeah, i couldn't work out how that all worked 20:57
cygx perl --help, --os <=> %OS_*, --toolchain <=> %TC_*, --compiler <=> %COMPILERS 20:59
let's just hope that toolchain options can overwrite compiler ones ;)
timotimo jnthn: is there any reason to put MVMObject * for the indices instead of MVMArray? 23:19
jnthn timotimo: Yes 23:20
timotimo: You already have it from the op
And we don't know it'll be an MVMArray
You could get a fixed dimension set of them 23:21