dalek arVM/tommy-hash: adfdd67 | diakopter++ | / (2 files):
build it righter
arVM/tommy-hash: 6381236 | diakopter++ | build/Makefile.in:
even more righter
arVM/tommy-hash: 41d30df | diakopter++ | 3rdparty/tommy/tommytypes.h:
MSVC needs this...
arVM/tommy-hash: 627db6d | diakopter++ | src/6model/reprs/KnowHOWREPR.c:
hash needs to do some initialization now, but luckily it doesn't allocate anything else
diakopter jnthn: any idea how to make moarvm dump a HLL callstack while debugging in Visual Studio 02:59
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 07:29
timotimo diakopter: print MVM_dump_stacktrace(tc) in any frame that has a tc 09:09
dalek arVM: be41cae | jnthn++ | docs/ChangeLog:
ChangeLog for 2015.12.
nwc10 jnthn: ++ Copy callsites when inliing 16:30
also, arguably, s/unicode/Unicode/g 16:31
dalek arVM: 892d580 | jnthn++ | docs/ChangeLog:
ChangeLog tweaks; nwc10++.
nwc10 ++ Add missing unsigned operand types; clean up unsinged int ops
jnthn heh
timotimo good-looking changelog :) 16:33
nwc10 ++ Somewhat cheating unsinged parameter ops.
timotimo inliing is a bit like skiiing?
jnthn Change log was mostly derived directly from git log --oneline --reverse :)
nwc10 I think you need to neuralise your spellchecker excpetions
jnthn So all these errors are those of the original authors :P
dalek arVM: 64d5884 | jnthn++ | docs/ChangeLog:
Correct spellos; nwc10++.
nwc10 I can't spot any more
hoelzro o/ #moarvm 16:40
jnthn o/ hoelzro 16:41
hoelzro o/ jnthn
timotimo yo ro
hoelzro o/ timotimo 16:43
nwc10 \o \o \o \o 16:44
we weem to be out of balance
hoelzro o/ nwc10 \o 16:49
Moar has no guaranteed GC order, right? even if A has a pointer to B, you don't know which will be collected first? 17:16
I did some sleuthing and think I determined what the implemented order is, but I assume that's subject to change
JimmyZ I think so 17:17
jnthn Yeah, you can't rely on such ordering 17:18
hoelzro k, thanks for confirming 17:20
hoelzro speaking of the GC, I seem to remember there was something that causes a nursery GC or something upon a frame pop, but I couldn't find that in the code when I looked. Did I dream that? 17:21
jnthn Surely 17:22
That'd be hideously expensive.
hoelzro ok, it was a dream then =) 17:27
uruwi Hello? 19:17
timotimo hi 19:18
uruwi Hi again
Just lurking around about the mutex crash. 19:19
timotimo OK 19:21
yeah, i've got nothin'
uruwi Yeah, some bugs aren't easy to fix. 19:37
timotimo like the run_alt method not found problem 19:38
TimToady can we notice we didn't find run-alt, and re-install it somehow? 20:59
as a workaround?
or is that just the tip of the iceberg?
jnthn TimToady: Tip of the iceberg, I fear 21:00
And we'd not be in a place to really
TimToady well, full speed ahead then :)
jnthn Got the final bit of travel tomorrow, which will hopefully make me less sick than the bit I did a couple of days ago. So mebbe I'll be able to find it tomorow once that's done. 21:01
TimToady well, Merry Christmas Eve Eve 21:02
jnthn :)
timotimo TimToady: i think what nine has discovered is that it's not grabbing an NFA object at all, but a "random NQPArray with always different numbers of values" 21:03
jnthn Yeah...it's a corruption issue
From the description 21:04
I failed after an hour's trying to recreate it locally; nine++ left me a new hint in the backlog, so I can try that tomorrow
TimToady: Did the "as Foo" alias for coercion syntax go away, and if not should it? 21:11
Seems we still got it...
lizmat it was recently removed from panda, afaik 21:18
jnthn OK. Not sure I want to carry it forward... 21:24
lizmat fwiw, there is nu use of "as" in the core anymore
jnthn aye 21:26
TimToady as far as I'm concerned, it can go
jnthn k 21:27
lizmat double checked panda, no " as " in there 21:31
jnthn ok 21:33
TimToady so what could possibly go worng?
jnthn I've got a patch locally to rip it out
And it's gone 21:46
rest time :)
diakopter timotimo: my problem is: something is corrupting the call stack and related, such that debugging isn't working 22:46
timotimo something? it's probably just the jit 22:47
the jit pretty much always makes the stack unreadable to gdb
diakopter jit is disabled 22:50
this is MSVC
timotimo oh 22:54