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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke timotimo: fyi, ran the --profile-compile of the rakudo build in gdb, it just exited normally (but no profile actually written) 00:37
Geth MoarVM: f75abe7c69 | (Samantha McVey)++ | src/strings/uthash.h
Fix the grammar of a comment in uthash.h
MasterDuke timotimo: what's the sequence of functions called in moar after normal execution is done and writing out profiling data is starting? 13:12
i.e., my --profile-compile of the rakudo build doesn't get to dump_instrumented_profile_data in HLL/Backend.nqp, so i want to add some debug prints in moar to see where it does get to there 13:14
timotimo have you seen src/vm/moar/HLL/Backend.nqp and its run_profiled method? 13:15
MasterDuke hm, that just sticks self.dump_profile_data into an END phaser? 13:17
i guess i can stick a note() in there to see if it gets called... 13:19
timotimo oh, end phaser, huh? 13:21
that's probably what's going wrong
MasterDuke how so? i mean, --profile-compile does work for some other test scripts i tried, and it used to work for the rakudo build 13:23
timotimo the core setting profile doesn't have a setting, so perhaps the END_PHASERS symbol doesn't exist at the beginning 13:28
MasterDuke did something change with @END_PHASER in the past 9 months? 13:31
because in september 2017 i could profile the build 13:32
dogbert17 libuv 1.21.0 is out, 16:44
samcv .tell brrt when you get the chance can you review my PR for expr jit templates? 17:08
yoleaux samcv: I'll pass your message to brrt.
brrt samcv++ # expr templates yay 19:28
yoleaux 17:08Z <samcv> brrt: when you get the chance can you review my PR for expr jit templates?
Kaiepi what does it mean when there's a ! after an expr template name? 20:07
samcv brrt: 57 more! whee 20:09
Kaiepi: uh the function puts something in the return register without assistance 20:11
so it writes to the return value register directly
brrt the idea is that without a '!', a template forms an expression (that returns a value); the JIT can decide whether it is necessary to store that to memory 20:12
the '!' basically constrains that
dunno if you know about scheme, but it has the same sort of convention :-) 20:13
samcv brrt: could you figure out how to turn this into a command line script?
i don't know much about emacs or lisp
brrt you probably could, actually, but i've never quite learned the magic incantations to do so :-) 20:14
something about emacs --batch somethingsomething
Kaiepi i think i understand 20:15
samcv if we can get them all to asciidoc i should be able to make a nice website that has all the pages in an index or something 20:16
Kaiepi there are a few jit templates i think i'd be able to add after samcv's pullreq gets merged 20:21
samcv brrt: well this tool seems to work perfectly even with tables in emacs 20:22
not sure how to export it to a file though
i run org-asciidoc-export-as-asciidoc and then it comes up with another emacs window showing the converted file 20:23
brrt normally org gives you a window to choose how to export 20:28
brrt i'm a bit too tired to figure it out at this point though :-) 20:35
and there's also the weird thing about Inline::Perl5 and throwpayloadlexcaller 20:36
throwpayloadlexcaller needs a review anyway, I just don't understand that stuff
speak y'all later 20:41
samcv o/ 21:02
Kaiepi are there any cases where it'd be a bad idea to make a jit template for an op? 21:44
also, how do i test templates i've added? just use the ops? 21:45
samcv this looks pretty decent 22:10
sample page with text: 22:11
samcv haven't dealt with the markdown files yet though but orgmode and asciidoc ones are working 22:13
Geth MoarVM: f12567907d | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 8 files
Add a negated object literal spesh plugin guard

This will be useful for specializing on "not Nil" in the Perl 6 spesh plugin for assignment.
MoarVM: 02bddce853 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 2 files
JIT the object non-match guard
MoarVM: b3ce4f6d33 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/plugin.c
Elide object non-match guard in a bunch of ways

The "must not be object X" guard can be eliminated by noticing any of:
  * That we know the value and it's not the one we guard against
  * That we know the value's type and it's not the same type as the one
   we guard against
  * Knowing the concreteness of the value is opposite to the one we guard
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. Jonathan Worthington 'Add a negated object literal spesh plugin guard 22:41
jnthn ah, apt failure 22:42
MasterDuke Kaiepi: you know about setting MVM_JIT_LOG=<something> and checking there? 22:49
Kaiepi no 22:54
travis-ci MoarVM build failed. Jonathan Worthington 'JIT the object non-match guard' 23:09
MasterDuke Kaiepi: if you grep for 'BAIL' you'll see non-jitted ops 23:49
so then you can try and jit them and see if they don't cause BAILs afterwards 23:50