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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
kawaii Just bumping here to ask about the next MoarVM release :) 10:39
timotimo hmm. learn more about signal handling so i can make sure heap snapshot writing won't get interrupted in the middle of a "blob"? 11:37
perhaps a signal handler that reacts to sigint by saying "send sigint again to immediately terminate" and otherwise would finish up the littlest bit of code before aborting 11:38
or mask sigint for the duration of a piece of work, i imagine the signal handler would "immediately" trigger after the signal is unmasked?
probably something i should worry about ... later :) 11:41
brrt :-) 11:47
timotimo so moarvm now writes the new heap snapshot format, at least i think it does :D 11:53
and i've got a slript that reads one zstd stream and gives back what was left in the input buffer so parsing can continue there
Guest2775 timotimo, jnthn: any theories as to what might be happening here 14:18
jnthn Guest2775: Looks like a premature free, maybe 14:23
Guest2775 jnthn: it's this piece of code 14:37
in the shell script ( I have added a 'sleep 25' line in order to hit the timeout logic in the script 14:38
perhaps it has something to do with the sig handlers mentioned in the line 'whenever signal(SIGTERM).merge: signal(SIGINT)' 14:39