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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt \o 13:31
tellable6 2019-12-17T15:36:39Z #moarvm <nine_> brrt: well, I did find it out in the end :)
brrt nine++ 13:34
I was eh... distracted :-S 13:35
yeah, that's exactly the mechanism 13:36
we overwrite the pointer used in the `ret` instruction
nine brrt: that mechanism is quite clever if I may say so! 13:47
Just a little hard to grok from just reading the code :D 13:48
brrt yeah, I understand that 14:09
I actually wrote a blog post, but that may also be easier to understand with background information than without 14:10 14:11
brrt yeah, that doesn't quite do enough to figure out what the code is doing 14:13
nine And blog posts in general do not show up when acking the repo 14:14
brrt nope 14:17
anyway, we multiplied the bus factor on that code by 2 now :-) 14:18
nwc10 o/ 14:45
brrt ohai nwc10 14:48
nwc10 hi. I think that this is the first time I've looked at IRC for about 4 days. 14:49
might well be AFK for anohter 2 or 3
or possibly not, as tomorrow looks a bit too cold to attack the garden
brrt you're a free... internet person..... you can do as you please 14:51
connect or disconnect