| IRC logs at Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018. |
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nwc10 | good *, #moarvm | 06:33 | |
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nine | MasterDuke: oh, sorry, I missed the message with the URL. But it wouldn't have helped anyway. Looked at it now and I'm stumped. | 07:30 | |
MasterDuke: at this point I'd start poking at it with gdb and see if the values we get make sense | |||
MasterDuke | nine: ok, i'll see if anything looks off | 07:38 | |
btw, while you're here, any further comments on ? | |||
nine | MasterDuke: yeah....thanks for getting us rid of those warnings! | 07:41 | |
Geth | MoarVM/master: 5 commits pushed by (Daniel Green)++, MasterDuke17++ | 07:47 | |
MasterDuke | and thanks for reviewing | ||
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Geth | MoarVM: 5863b02355 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/spesh/arg_guard.c Silence a compiler warning in add_nodes_for_typed_argument The compiler is actually wrong here. The update_node variable will in fact only be used when it's properly initialized, but the logic is hard to follow as the initialization state can only be tracked via two other variables. |
08:16 | |
nine | This leaves only my longjmp issue | 08:17 | |
nwc10 | I remember dislikeling longjmp. Or more "dammit, why does *that* also need to ve volatile even though it's const and never assigned to?" | 08:20 | |
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nine | Looks like I finally have a fix | 09:36 | |
lizmat | nine++ | 09:38 | |
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Geth | MoarVM: c0fe97a68a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 5 files Fix variable might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ warnings in interp.c Moving the affected variables out of the scope of the setjmp instruction avoids potential clobbering. They are only used for nested interpreters anyway, so they may as well live in MVM_interp_run_nested. The important part is that we don't NULL them in MVM_interp_run. |
10:43 | |
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MasterDuke | nine++, now i don't see any warnings at all when building | 12:19 | |
timotimo | sounds like i haven't contributed code in a long time! | 12:20 | |
MasterDuke | heh. how about your in-situ string branch? needs much work? | 12:25 | |
timotimo | i don't remember :( :( | 12:30 | |
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jnthn | There's further updates on which fold in the new dispatch instruction ideas, lay out an overall implementation approach (and some more detailed steps on the first round of the work). | 14:49 | |
I think I'm probably at the point where I've done enough planning and need to do some coding. :) | |||
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timotimo | ForCegC | 14:59 | |
.o( i wonder if all this will be succ'd by a bag of nqp::dx's ) | 15:00 | ||
that pun was quite an enormous stretch :S | 15:02 | ||
nine | It's kinda funny how spesh plugins were the hot new stuff that did wonders for speeding up some operations, while now they're becoming that legacy thing which require twice as many steps as necessary. The wheel turns... | 15:26 | |
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timotimo | put your Fs in chat | 15:30 | |
F | |||
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AlexDaniel | hey, I submitted it as a Rakudo ticket but it should be interesting to moarvm enthusiasts :) R#3648 | 15:40 | |
linkable6 | R#3648 [open]: [MoarVM] Gradual performance slowdown when pushing into a Channel | ||
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nine | AlexDaniel: ConcBlockingQueue is a linked list. We do keep pointers to both head and tail, so pushing is not an issue. But I'd bet that GC times grow a lot when we have to follow 2 million pointers. | 15:46 | |
MasterDuke: we calloc MVMConcBlockingQueueNodes. I guess that'd be a good place to switch to the FSA as well? | 15:47 | ||
MasterDuke | could be | 15:48 | |
we have a lot of random places where we don't free stuff that was alloced before throwing an exception | 15:49 | ||
nine | Sounds like something where the GCC plugin could help? | 15:51 | |
MasterDuke | i have no idea what is possible, but seems likely | ||
AlexDaniel | nine: yeah, well, pushing 2 million values into a Channel without reading any is far from being a real world scenario | 15:55 | |
although, hm, maybe it can happen accidentally | |||
nine | Well given a list of functions that allocate and free, it can go through all possible control flow paths of a function and keep track of whether values that result from an allocation are passed to a freeing function before we arrive at a throw | ||
MasterDuke | nice | 15:56 | |
nine | AlexDaniel: if it's accidental, I'd wager that the slow down is the least of your problems :) | ||
AlexDaniel | nine: why? | ||
that's just a few megabytes of data | |||
nine | But it's also 2 million items in a queue which you expected to get processed in some way but aren't | 15:57 | |
AlexDaniel | could be some sort of logging gone wrong or similar, I see no problem | 15:58 | |
nine | MasterDuke: it's pretty straight forward actually: | ||
AlexDaniel | I use channels for realtime data so if the reading side dies I might end up in this situation quite easily | 15:59 | |
2 million values over 10+ hours isn't that much | 16:00 | ||
nine | It's just to me "reading side dieing" sounds worse than "sending side gets slowed down a bit" | 16:01 | |
AlexDaniel | that's just 56 per second, easy | ||
nine: could be one of the non-essential features, but the whole program slowing down can cause all kinds of nuisance | 16:02 | ||
I use raku for camera motion control and stuff, and honestly this sounds like an everyday scenario to me :X | 16:03 | ||
but then most of it is hacked-on-the-fly throwaway scripts put together, so there's that too :) | 16:04 | ||
MasterDuke | ugh. 15s to run some regexes on a 1.1m line spesh log | 16:08 | |
sticking `.contains("duplicated string from the regext")` before each of the three regexes drops the time to 2s | 16:12 | ||
lizmat | MasterDuke: there's a reason I created that method :-) | 16:13 | |
MasterDuke | yeah. just wish our regex engine would do it for me | 16:14 | |
m: say "a test" ~~ /q|test|/ | 16:20 | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Null regex not allowed at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say "a test" ~~ /q|test|7⏏5/ expecting any of: infix stopper term |
MasterDuke | i can't use q strings in regexes? | ||
nine | Well, regexes are a different (sub-)language | 16:21 | |
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MasterDuke | nine: everything builds ok with MVMConcBlockingQueueBodies and MVMConcBlockingQueueNodes using the FSA. think it'll help AlexDaniel's benchmark? | 17:05 | |
AlexDaniel: want to try a patch? | |||
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: sure | ||
MasterDuke | | 17:06 | |
you'll need `-p0` if you `git apply` that | 17:07 | ||
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: should I apply it on 2020.02.1 or master head? | ||
MasterDuke | it should work on either. i guess use 2020.02.1 since that's what your previous measurements were with, right? | 17:08 | |
AlexDaniel | yeah | ||
nine | MasterDuke: I don't think it will help with that particular benchmark since I expect GC time to be the issure here. But it can help others that put lots of stuff into a queue (and take it out again) | 17:09 | |
MasterDuke | fwiw, nqp and rakudo pass all their tests | 17:11 | |
nine: while we're on the subject, any thoughts on ? | 17:13 | ||
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: actually, it is significantly faster | 17:22 | |
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AlexDaniel | oops | 17:23 | |
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MasterDuke | oh? | 17:24 | |
AlexDaniel | ok sorry was distracted by bot eating | 17:25 | |
MasterDuke: yep, it fixes it | 17:30 | ||
MasterDuke | have some pretty new graphs? | ||
AlexDaniel | yes, leaving a comment now | ||
MasterDuke | cool | 17:31 | |
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: | 17:33 | |
MasterDuke | nice! | 17:34 | |
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: you can confirm it yourself by running the code in question piped into /dev/null | 17:38 | |
it should be noticeably faster after the patch | 17:40 | ||
by the way, is it a quirk of libuv that stdout comes in batches? Or why am I seeing this? | 17:42 | ||
lizmat | buffering? | 17:47 | |
AlexDaniel | lizmat: do we have it? | ||
lizmat | we shouldn't if .t is true on the handle | 17:48 | |
AlexDaniel | lizmat: how can I disable it? | 17:49 | |
tbh I thought we simply have no buffering at all | |||
lizmat | well, the OS buffers any writes to files, afaik | 17:50 | |
in Perl you can call autoflush on the IO::Handle, I don't think we have that in Raku yet | 17:51 | ||
AlexDaniel | but it's not a file, it's another process | ||
but not a TTY | |||
in perl5 `$| = 1;` works | |||
lizmat | jnthn moritz nine might know | 17:52 | |
jnthn | $*OUT.out-buffer = False | ||
AlexDaniel | oh. | 17:56 | |
lizmat | TIL | 17:57 | |
AlexDaniel | yeah, me too | ||
yeah, that's much better | 18:01 | || | 18:02 | ||
now that's maybe even more interesting | 18:03 | ||
so it stutters, then prints some values, then stutters again for a shorter amount of time | |||
and it does that consistently throughout the whole execution | 18:04 | ||
MasterDuke | and takes the same amount of time as before my patch? | 18:17 | |
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: well, with no output buffering it is of course slower | 18:18 | |
MasterDuke | yeah | 18:19 | |
is no buffering without the patch even slower? | |||
AlexDaniel | yes | ||
21.666s | |||
I'm rerunning the benchmarks, maybe I'll update the ticket | 18:20 | ||
Geth | MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1280: Use the FSA for ConcBlockingQueue |
18:21 | |
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nine | Incredible....though I'm curious to know why this fixes the issue. | 18:45 | |
MasterDuke: sorry, been doing our fitness program and now it's dinner time | |||
MasterDuke | i'm not too terribly surprised. those should be much faster allocations | 18:46 | |
AlexDaniel | MasterDuke: new graphs without output buffering: | 18:48 | |
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nine | MasterDuke: I'm not surprised that it's faster. I'm surprised that it scales better. GC time should still grow linearily and noticably with the queue's size. | 18:57 | |
And I'd have bet that GC time is what slows the benchmark down over time. | |||
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nine | My only hypothesis is that with the FSA those queue nodes are packed tightly in memory, so many of the ->next dereferences can be satisfied from the CPU cache | 18:59 | |
timotimo | wow, where do those graphs come from | 19:01 | |
AlexDaniel | how often is GC called? On the last graph, the stutters do become longer over time, but is it really GC? So often? | ||
nine | timotime: click on "How do I take these measurements?" :) | ||
MasterDuke | yeah. it probably wouldn't be quite so much better if there were (many) other FSA allocations happening inbetween the Channel.push's | 19:02 | |
nine | AlexDaniel: after allocating 4 megs | ||
MasterDuke | AlexDaniel: take a profile. or compile with --telemeh. those would give you gc timings | 19:03 | |
timotimo | oh, those are clickable! | ||
AlexDaniel: telemeh also uses rdtscp and runs on a separate thread and gives a bit more than just "when was a print", for example GC timings | 19:04 | ||
AlexDaniel | oh | 19:07 | |
timotimo | where can i look at the tool that makes the graphs? they are very pretty | ||
AlexDaniel | timotimo: thanks! Yeah, well, the graphs are much prettier that the code that generates them :) | 19:09 | |
it's 400 lines of pure filth | 19:10 | ||
than* | |||
we'll see, if this proves to be more useful than fancy then I'll fix it up and publish it | 19:15 | ||
timotimo | haha | 19:17 | |
AlexDaniel | I'll try to use telemeh later, if it's possible to mark GC runs on these graphs without messing up the timings… woah that'd be cool | 19:19 | |
then what, telemehable? x) | 19:20 | ||
AlexDaniel sleep & | 19:21 | ||
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Geth | MoarVM: c59514234f | (Daniel Green)++ | src/6model/reprs/ConcBlockingQueue.c Use the FSA for ConcBlockingQueue This makes sending things into a Channel much quicker. |
22:04 | |
MoarVM: 3d8ff61e20 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/6model/reprs/ConcBlockingQueue.c Merge pull request #1280 from MasterDuke17/use_fsa_for_cbq Use the FSA for ConcBlockingQueue |
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