timotimo jnthn: the problem in utf8_c8 is that when UTF8_REJECT is hit on the very first character, (++last_accept_utf8 != utf8) becomes an infinite loop, because last_accept_utf8 is initialized to utf8 17:18
when i initialize it to utf8 - 1 that specific case works, but i don't know if it's actually correct. 17:19
a few initial tests suggest it's fine 17:20
well, oops. :) 17:21
perl6-m -e 'Buf.new((^255).roll(100)).decode("utf8-c8").say' - still quite explosive 17:23
also when .perl ing that string it blows up 17:24
and leaving last_accept_utf8 at utf8 but changing != to < breaks, too 17:26