lizmat timotimo: now that we have the release out, I wouldn't mind seeing nqp::is-prime getting jitted :-) 13:35
timotimo ah, of course 13:38
done, spec testing now 13:47
lizmat timotimo++ 13:56
Geth MoarVM: af7d58c7ad | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/jit/graph.c
jit isprime_I
timotimo lizmat: sorry, i forgot all about it for a moment there
lizmat no pb, I just hate to see orange in --profile :-) 14:21
FROGGS o/ 17:04
lizmat FROGGS o/ :-) 17:11
timotimo merry christmas, FROGGS! 18:31
FROGGS merry christmas timo :o) 18:32
timotimo thanks, glad to see you again :) 18:33
lizmat and another Perl 6 Weekly hits the Net: 19:07
AlexDaniel oh come on, really? 21:03
Zoffix moritz: mst: ping