MasterDuke when would ever be true? 01:31
i sort of thought that normalization could only ever result in fewer graphemes than bytes? 01:32
fwiw, it's never true during a build of rakudo
in the streaming decoder i see it could be adding in stuff stored in the MVMDecodeStream's normalizer. but wouldn't the thing about the result not being bigger than the bytes it's working on + the bytes in the normalizer still be true? 01:46
so couldn't be `bufsize + bytes-in-normalizer` and then it wouldn't have to check for reallocing? 01:47
the conditional on line 200 never hits during a `make m-test` or `make m-spectest` either 01:48
lizmat perhaps that line is from before NFG was implemented ? 09:15
and as such decomposing would run the risk of needing a larger buffer ? 09:16
Geth MoarVM/main: a70bc220b2 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 8 files
Make accesses to spesh arg guard atomic (#1903)

  * Make accesses to spesh arg guard atomic
On ARM and other platforms with less strict memory ordering guarantees than x86, the step that spesh does to switch the pointer around to the newly created spesh arg guard can be seen by another thread before the ... (12 more lines)
timo i thought this had already been merged in %)
lizmat will do the necessary bumps in a mo 16:51
[Coke] let me know if we need a blin run at any point 16:55