lizmat greppable6: help 09:25
greppable6 lizmat, Like this: greppable6: password # See wiki for more examples:
lizmat hmmm. seem to be unable to find where the code lives that greppable6 uses to post gists ? 10:51
[Coke] ^^ any idea ?
[Coke] not off the top, would have to dig. I know just enough to trigger a bot rebuild/reconnect at the moment. 13:26
I can look after $dayjob today.
lizmat ok, thanks, I'll do some more digging later today
testing rakkable now on #bottest
Geth nqp/zhuomingliang/constant_folder: a967b47ac8 | (Jimmy Zhuo)++ | 2 files
add basic constant folder
lizmat greppable6: frobnicate 18:34
greppable6 lizmat, 20 lines, 2 modules:
lizmat greppable6: .item 18:35
greppable6 lizmat, 11620 lines, 509 modules: 18:37
lizmat wow, that took a while 18:38
greppable6: \.item 18:40
greppable6 lizmat, 510 lines, 56 modules: 18:41
[Coke] do you still need me to look something up? 19:03
lizmat nope, got the pastebin stuff working
[Coke] \o/ 19:04
Geth nqp/main: f3d487d3ec | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM to get spesh arg guard fix on ARM

rakudo/main: 3cfb4f1791 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP to get spesh arg guard fix on ARM, Timo++
lizmat rakkable: help 21:05
rakkable lizmat, Rakking on #raku-dev with Raku module IRC::Client::Plugin::Rakkable 0.0.1
lizmat, Currently supported: all | provides | tests | scripts query [rak args]
lizmat note that ^^ is still pretty alpha
it allows searching *all* of the recent modules in the raku ecosystem, by either files in "provides" sections, test files, scripts 21:06
or all of the above with "all"
rakkable: provides frobnicate 21:07
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 8 lines in 4 files (4 distributions):
lizmat rakkable: provides unfrobnicate 21:08
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'unfrobnicate' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Getopt::Subcommands:ver<0.1.0>:auth<cpan:LEONT>/lib/Getopt/Subcommands.rakumod
lizmat, 68: sub unfrobnicate(:$fuzzy) is command { ... }
lizmat, That was all!
leont Wait what did I do now? 21:09
lizmat the Getopt::Subcommands module is the only one with the "unfrobnicate" string in it in the ecosystem
timo ohai leont :) 21:10
lizmat rakkable (for now) is a more uptodate version of greppable6
but I intend to add more things to search in, such as the core settting, and all of the rakudoc 21:11
rakkable: provides frobnicate --and=$string 21:12
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' --and=$string in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 80 lines in 21 files (20 distributions):
lizmat hmmm... that feels like --or :-)
well, it's still very alpha :-) 21:13
rakkable: provides frobnicate --not="insert" 21:14
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' --not="insert" in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 101 lines in 0 files (0 distributions):
lizmat anyways, leaving this on here until tomorrow if people want to play with it 21:15
lizmat rakkable: provides frobnicate --files-with-matches 21:17
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'frobnicate' --files-with-matches in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, ../../../.ecosystem/cache/rea/D/DateTime::TimeZone:ver<0.10.2>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>/lib/DateTime/TimeZone.rakumod
lizmat, ../../../.ecosystem/cache/rea/G/Getopt::Subcommands:ver<0.1.0>:auth<cpan:LEONT>/lib/Getopt/Subcommands.rakumod
lizmat, ../../../.ecosystem/cache/rea/N/NYI:ver<0.0.2>:auth<zef:lizmat>/lib/NYI.rakumod
lizmat, ../../../.ecosystem/cache/rea/O/OO::Monitors:ver<1.1.3>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules>/lib/OO/Monitors.rakumod
lizmat, That was all!
coleman cool bot! 21:18
lizmat 21:22
lizmat hehe 21:22
lizmat ah, I know where that came from, I think 21:23
lizmat rakkable provides PDF::Content 21:29
rakkable: provides PDF::Content 21:30
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'PDF::Content' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 83 lines in 18 files (5 distributions):
lizmat rakkable: provides PDF::Content 21:31
rakkable lizmat, Looking for 'PDF::Content' in 'provides', please be patient!
lizmat, Found 83 lines in 18 files (5 distributions):
lizmat afk& 21:35