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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo ohmygosh it can read a heapsnapshot from a ctrl-c'd process 00:50
brrt \o 11:02
timotimo o/ 11:03
timotimo the moar heapanalyzer is now at feature parity with the old version of the format, hooray 11:46
brrt \o/ 11:47
kiwi_7 :) 11:48
Geth MoarVM/master: 19 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++
timotimo it should fall back to version 2 if libzstd isn't available, as indicated by pkgconfig 11:50
tellable6 2019-08-29T11:49:58Z #perl6 <RaycatWhoDat> timotimo I'd be interested in hearing about the internals of Perl 6 as well.
timotimo i sure hope travis is green :)
Geth MoarVM: 703fd64701 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/core/nativecall_dyncall.c
fix a nativecall error message in dyncall
Geth MoarVM: 59e01366bf | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/profiler/heapsnapshot.c
make "get_const_string_index_cached" actually use const char*
MoarVM: e7bad16e53 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/worker.c
fix pointer type mismatch warnings with a cast
MoarVM: 557056bf19 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/args.c
fix formatting code warning in an error path
Geth MoarVM: 478a763c77 | ZhongnianTao++ | 2 files
Fix issue #1163
MoarVM: 4689bcdf20 | ZhongnianTao++ | 14 files
Merge branch 'master' of
MoarVM: 7d090921d5 | ZhongnianTao++ | 14 files
Revert "Merge branch 'master' of"

This reverts commit 4689bcdf206db67d46cae843ed8acf2ead5371d4, reversing changes made to 478a763c7789e42262331584ff1c1f39836a432d.
travis-ci MoarVM build errored. ZhongnianTao 'Revert "Merge branch 'master' of" 13:43
Geth MoarVM: b49b5202f0 | ZhongnianTao++ | src/strings/gb2312.c
Fix issue #1163
travis-ci MoarVM build passed. ZhongnianTao 'Fix issue #1163' 15:50
Kaypie lmfao what, how are all my nicks banned from #openbsd when i barely talk there 17:46
Kaiepi anyway, timotimo you have time to look at the pullreq today? 17:47
MasterDuke timotimo: fyi, seeing a couple `incompatible pointer type` warnings in src/spesh/worker.c 19:34
timotimo i already fixed them! 19:59
MasterDuke src/spesh/worker.c:21:31, src/spesh/worker.c:22:31, src/spesh/worker.c:50:47, src/spesh/worker.c:79:43 20:48
timotimo do those lines not have "(MVMCollectable **)&blah" in them? 20:52
MasterDuke nope 20:59
timotimo e7bad16e538629b3838b759ed5b7f8112c4408b1 - check this commit 21:01
huh 21:02
it looks like the recent commit by zhongnian tao changed stuff a little too much
i have an idea how to fix it, but i'd like to fix it as good as possible 21:08
MasterDuke other than just redoing those changes? but anything else would involve re-writing history right? which isn't usually recommended on a public branch 21:13
timotimo i could cherry-pick the changes individually onto current master, for example
then it wouldn't involve merging older commits to the front 21:14
MasterDuke `git diff e7bad16e538629b3838b759ed5b7f8112c4408b1~1 e7bad16e538629b3838b759ed5b7f8112c4408b1 >foo.patch; git apply foo.patch`, right?
timotimo the patch reverted a whole lot more than just that 21:20
i think it undid the entire heap snapshot format stuff
MasterDuke oh! 21:21
yeah, looks like 7d090921d522962070aa31b819bd416f8222da26 did it 21:23
just revert it?
timotimo would probably want to see what the difference is between that commit and "only" reverting what it reverted 21:25
dogbert17 quit 22:51