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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt \o 12:25
nwc10 o/
moritz |o| 12:26
timotimo …o… 12:42
tadzik ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 12:43
jnthn ~~\o/~🦈~ 12:50
timotimo nooo jnthn don't drown 12:52
though we have recently clarified that drowning people don't wave their arms 12:53
so i guess jnthn's just having safe fun in the pool
tadzik well, if you're a scuba diver then waving your hands means "HELP" 12:54
but maybe jnthn is just enthusiastic to see the shark :)
timotimo or, if you're still on land, it means "jazz hands!"
moritz safe fun in the pool with sharks?
sounds legit, kinda 12:55
brrt I seem to recall that 'most' sharks weren't all that dangerous 13:02
esp. not compared to killer whales
moritz that's correct
timotimo 13:03
moritz "average number of fatalities worldwide per year between 2001 and 2006 from unprovoked shark attacks is 4.3"
"Contrary to popular belief, only a few sharks are dangerous to humans. Out of more than 470 species, only four have been involved in a significant number of fatal, unprovoked attacks on humans"
jnthn m: say 4/470 13:05
evalable6 0.008511
jnthn Seems my chances or survival are pretty decent :P
timotimo 13:45
i might also want to put info about "how many GCs have been major so far" in the heap snapshots 13:46
snapshot number and gc seq num don't relate if you've got a confprog set up
Guest71418 .seen nine 13:57
tellable6 Guest71418, I saw nine 2019-08-30T12:05:51Z in #perl6-dev: <nine> That's...a little bit surprising
Kaiepi timotimo, you have time to look at my code today? 14:51
timotimo i'll try!
i just had enough time to make a change to JSON::Fast 14:52
Fix async UDP sockets, pass socket types and protocols when resolving - this is the commit i should be at? 14:58
Kaiepi: can you give me the test code again? can't find it in my irc history right now 15:00
Kaiepi perl6 -e 'my IO::Socket::Async $s .= bind-udp: "", 8000; my Tap $t = $s.Supply.tap({ .print }); my IO::Socket::Async $c .= udp; await $c.print-to: "", 8000, "ayy lmao"' 15:02
yeah, that commit and the one before it
first one doesn't change anything related to async udp sockets 15:03
timotimo OK
"invalid argument" is the error i should be seeing? 15:04
Kaiepi yep 15:14
the other kind is it claiming the socket is closed when it isn't, that's harder to debug with since you can't break on uv_send_udp though 15:15
though i guess you could just break on uv_is_closing instead, that would be the only place it gets used at all in the program 15:16
timotimo rr is refusing my hardware watchpoints wtf 15:17
Kaiepi how do you use rr? there's no command for it in gdb and if it's a program, it doesn't exist on my machine 15:18
timotimo "rr record perl6 blah blah", then "rr replay"
it's an external program indeed or so
timotimo it looks less like the handle data gets overwritten with zeroes 15:25
and more like it's never written
like, i follow the memory inside that and it literally turns from "this memory isn't mapped" to the value it has when the code that errors runs 15:27
timotimo also 15:28
the code runs as response to a IO::Socket::Async::SocketCancellation being worked on
that seems wrong?
OK, the type there isn't as important 15:32
in write_bytes_to_async you may want MVM_is_null instead of == NULL 15:35
that also catches VMNull repr'd objects
ah, ok, write_bytes_to checks for concreteness 15:37
timotimo Kaiepi: are you here? 15:59
Kaiepi: my latest finding is that do_setup_setup is called with an ssi that has no bind_address at all, so uv_udp_init is never called, that's potentially why the whole handle is nulled out 16:08
Kaiepi ahhh 16:12
that'd explain it
timotimo and since ssi->error was set to 0 in setup_setup, the error path isn't taken
Kaiepi since before it was only ever using one address, uv_udp_init was still getting called before because it only cared if ssi->bind_addr was NULL when binding the socket. with the loop there, that's no longer the case 16:17
timotimo right 16:18
oh, also, you may want to malloc your char *hostname with more than just sizeof(char) 16:19
because that'll give you a 1 byte big buffer, rounded up to whatever malloc's minimum allocation size is
Kaiepi MVM_calloc(MAX_HOST, sizeof(char)) or whatever? 16:20
timotimo *shrug*
it's only debug code, but it should still maybe not immediately buffer overflow :D
Kaiepi i'm guessing it only ever worked because inet_ntop reallocs it or something 16:22
timotimo aha, the last argument to inet_ntop is the size of your dst buffer 16:25
Kaiepi i'm passing the wrong thing then, i thought it was the size of the struct sockaddr you're passing it 16:26
Kaiepi awesome, everything works now! thanks timotimo 17:12
timotimo i accept tips, LOL
patrickb I'm currently looking at 20:51
Some quick tests seem to indicate this ignores the root user.
Is there something obvious I miss or should this code also test for euid() == 0? 20:55
I got there by tracking down In that bugreport people are suggesting libuv broke between 1.24.1 and 1.30.1. 20:57
patrickb But from my tests and looking at the code I'd suspect there is a check for root missing. Opinions? 21:22