Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes. Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021. |
MasterDuke | ah, i thought we were already doing that now. i was wondering if you had some way of knowing how many lines would be in a file and would have been impressed if so | 02:07 | |
Geth | MoarVM/main: 7c4149096f | (Daniel Green)++ | 3 files Fix some compiler warnings Format string directive and two function return value types. |
02:45 | |
MoarVM/main: d3f7bc1fca | (Daniel Green)++ | azure-pipelines.yml Remove mingw from CI It's been broken for a while, I tried to fix it and couldn't, nobody has complained, and it makes every CI run red regardless if everything else passes. |
MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1819: Bump mimalloc to 2.1.7 |
02:47 | ||
MoarVM/main: 397bb29613 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/jit/stub.c Missed updating jit stub signatures GCC compiled without warning, but clang complains. |
03:15 | ||
MoarVM/main: 78b8650f68 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/profiler/heapsnapshot.c Completely comment out some debugging variables |
03:46 | ||
MoarVM/main: 021e22e25d | (Daniel Green)++ | 6 files Remove unused variables |
MoarVM/main: 0f5f11f2a7 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c Ensure a variable is initialized before it's used |
MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1820: Update OS versions in Azure CI config |
03:52 | ||
MasterDuke | hopefully that cleanup didn't cause problems for anybody, but if so, all those commits should be easily revertable | 03:53 | |
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lizmat | will bump MoarVM just in case | 09:12 | |
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timo1 | i have a super silly little tool (idea) | 10:54 | |
lizmat | shoot! | 11:07 | |
timo1 | a second, please :) | 11:08 | |
> The autodict function returns a special kind of Python dictionary that implements Perl’s autovivifying hashes in Python i.e. with autovivifying hashes, you can assign nested hash values without having to go to the trouble of creating intermediate levels if they don’t exist. | 11:09 | ||
perf devs know what's up | |||
say lizmat, would you like to know how fast the parser went through the core setting file, or any file that is parsed? with fine details? | 11:12 | ||
lizmat | eh, yes! | 11:15 | |
timo1 | in order to run the data collection yourself you will need a linux system with perf working | 11:56 | |
lizmat | ah... that excludes me with MacOS :-( | 11:59 | |
timo1 | could be faked with a properly placed fprintf | ||
lizmat | ? | 12:02 | |
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timo1 | it doesn't actually have to use perf | 12:41 | |
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timo1 | opening the result in the browser is very tough on the browser | 14:06 | |
for the core.c setting | |||
i'm using HTML::Entity::Fast and i see the &newline; show up literally in my browser; could it be not all browsers handle that entity? | 14:27 | ||
lizmat | I don't think that's a supported entity? | 14:29 | |

 maybe ? | |||
afk& | 14:31 | ||
timo1 | oh huh i did not expect case to make a difference but yeah with NewLine it works but not with newline | 14:43 | |
lizmat, here's an HTML for you to download with the first $amount of stuff from the core setting gist.github.com/timo/3086df220b1b7...eecd3ae034 | 14:45 | ||
i'm not sure how useful it actually is, since it is extremely naive | |||
it takes the time when nqp::nfa_run is called on the string, and notes down the exact time | |||
then i subtract the time of one position from the time of the next position and divide by the number of characters | 14:46 | ||
but of course a lot can happen between two runs of nqp::nfa_run, plus it goes a little bit back and forth sometimes | |||
like GC runs, and of course the Actions run at that time as well | 14:47 | ||
there's no reason why we wouldn't use the position-time association from nqp::nfa_run to map other metrics to the source file being parsed. like major and minor gc runs would probably be a relatively obvious next thing to try | 14:52 | ||
lizmat | timo1: I'm not sure what the colors mean? | 15:50 | |
timo1 | you can hover the text as well to get the actual number | 15:51 | |
but the redder it is, the longer it took from the call to nfa_run at the start position to the call to nfa_run at the end position of the colord text | |||
which is very roughly and kind of indirectly a measure of how fast we parse i guess | 15:52 | ||
lizmat | aahh...ok | ||
timo1 | we might not actually be seeing every single call to nfa_run as a split in positions | 15:55 | |
so as long as you don't rely too much on that... should be fine? | |||
lizmat | it's nice to see... but it's not easy to find any hotspots that we could act on | 16:00 | |
also: I wonder how much difference there would be between runs | |||
aka: how much of the red spots is random, and how much is systemic | 16:01 | ||
timo1 | it's also a bit tricky because i color by percentiles. otherwise everything is bright green except for a single spot that takes too long | 16:06 | |
oh that problem probably sorted itself out when i divided by segment length? | 16:14 | ||
0 0.000096 1 0.001259 5 0.002606 10 0.003624 25 0.005971 50 0.010151 75 0.017244 95 0.044895 98 0.091657 99 0.153758 | 16:15 | ||
i think &hat; has a similar problem as &newline; | 16:18 | ||
grab the new version of the file, you can now jump from one 99pct bit to the next and back with little links on the page | 16:46 | ||
lizmat | will do after finishing the weekly | 17:02 | |
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lizmat | And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/08/2024-...-year-llm/ | 20:32 | |
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