Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth MoarVM/cpcsu_deb_backport: 1b3becec80 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container
timo MasterDuke++ for catching this mistake
MasterDuke what do people think about removing repetitions from strands? 01:46
tellable6 2024-09-03T06:07:52Z #raku-dev <ab5tract> MasterDuke: thank you for remind me about pmurias++ truffle work. It seems to have gotten quite a ways before he stopped
MasterDuke i adding some logging to MVMString's gc_free and during rakudo's build, ~4.5m strings with a storage_type of MVM_STRING_STRAND were freed 01:49
well, that's not quite accurate, i just printed a line for each strand. so ~4.5m strands in something less than that number of strings 01:50
but of those strands, ~4.4m had 0 repetitions
the next most common at 92k was 1 repetitions, 46k with 2 repetitions, 25k with 3 repetitions, then 4.4k with 4 repetitions 01:52
i wonder if the added size to the MVMStringStrand struct and added complexity to string ops really is worth the cost of making `my str $a = "a" x $n` fast (and small)? 01:55
reran the logging. ~2m strings (of type strand), ~1.8m had 0 repetitions, 47k had 2 reps, 31k had 1 rep, 13k has 3 reps, 12k had 4 reps, 5k had 5 reps 02:09
but the largest string that had any repetitions was only 98 graphemes in total 02:10
oops, largest was 128 graphemes (forgot to add `-n` to my sort call) 02:12
Geth MoarVM/cpcsu_deb_backport_2022.12: 130f795ba4 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container
MoarVM/cpcsu_deb_backport_2022.12: 8360e5a90d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated uint store to a code-pair and value_desc container
MoarVM/cpcsu_deb_backport: 5dc0b80c3d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/6model/containers.c
also add uint store function to value_desc