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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
nine So, running the multi threaded EVAL test script from gives an easily reproducible segfault. Unless one compiles with debugging enabled of course. Then it runs literally thousands of times without any hickup :/ 11:27
.oO( bloody Heisenberg )
vrurg nine: actually, I forgot to mention that I also change EVAL to clone compiler instance. The current implementation simply shares one instance among threads. 16:58
nine vrurg: does the compiler carry any state? 17:31
vrurg nine: Sure it does. HLL::Compiler has 12 attributes, Perl6 adds 4 more. 17:54
lizmat but once instantiated, do any of the attributes ever change ? 17:56
vrurg lizmat: $!save_ctx perhaps, but not sure. In either case, cloning makes sense for my plans as I want to make EVAL support compunit compilation with separate language version. 18:01
lizmat oki :-)
dogbert11 lizmat: still awake? 22:37
I see a couple of test failures in S32-num/stress.t, am I the only one? 22:38
lizmat dogbert11: no, I'm not seeing that 23:33
hmmm... not sure that "no" was right :-) 23:35
s/no/not sure/