Geth_ roast: vrurg++ created pull request #608:
Test for export of long names
lizmat Files=1294, Tests=109635, 209 wallclock secs (28.23 usr 8.32 sys + 2952.08 cusr 269.24 csys = 3257.87 CPU) 08:38
Geth_ rakudo: a3afde6037 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 6 files
Re-imagine val() handling

This replaces the old val() handling by a completely re-imagined version that caters to the way that Raku is being optimized. The goal was to reach an overall speed increase of 2x, but this was not achieved. But this commit makes val handling more correct, and about 2x faster in the most common case, namely that *no* number is encountered. Which helps at every startup, as each %*ENV ... (39 more lines)
lizmat so, that's out of my system 09:20
Geth_ nqp: d69855343c | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTCompilerMAST.nqp
Fix "Decoder may not be used concurrently" errors with concurrent EVAL

String decoders are stateful objects, so sharing one between concurrently running compilers has never been a good idea. Give every MAST compiler its own latin1decoder to avoid concurrency issues.
Geth_ roast: fd2c4ad9c5 | usev6++ | S17-procasync/stress.t
[JVM] Skip hanging test
lizmat what would be a good way to benchmark Supply.lines ? 13:18
moritz lizmat: you could cycle through an array of strings, some containing newlines and some not, and feed them to the supplier 16:34
lizmat moritz: I came up with my int $a; ("words".IO.slurp x 5).Supply.lines.tap: { ++$a }; dd $a 17:21
Geth_ rakudo: aea2a36ce0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make emit about 30% faster

From what I can gather from a --profile. Before, an "emit/THROW" combo would take 588 msecs in a benchmark, and after the "emit" by itself takes 442 msecs. Since this is pretty hot code in Supply handling, thought that every little bit counts.
Geth_ rakudo: a91813d017 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make `take foo` about 20% faster

By not using the helper THROW sub, but instead do all of the stuff inside `take`.
Geth_ rakudo: 533a2ad9e9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make `take-rw foo` about 20% faster

By not using the helper THROW sub, but instead do all of the stuff inside `take-rw`. Also fix containerization issue that I noticed in
  `take` while working on `take-rw`.
Geth_ rakudo: e1aaa83cc1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make `take foo, bar` about 60% faster

By not using the helper THROW or RETURN-LIST subs, but instead do all of the stuff inside `take`. Which could be made a lot simpler, as that candidate can only be called if there is more than one parameter, so the whole check for number of elements was not necessary.
vrurg lizmat: t/ is not used anymore. All tests are in t/spec/ 21:10
I think it is time to remove the file as confusing. It was left there for transition period as some tooling might have depend on it. 21:11
vrurg has added the test into the right place. 21:13
Geth_ rakudo: bed716bed2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make `take-rw foo, bar` about 60% faster

Same way as `take foo, bar`.
Geth_ rakudo: 63f117502a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/control.pm6
Make `succeed foo` 30% and `succeed foo,bar` 60% faster

A rince a repeat of the `take` optimizations
dogbert11 not ok 146 - parsed literal == val() [.08548480145036831822e-304] 22:41
# Failed test 'parsed literal == val() [.08548480145036831822e-304]'
# at t/spec/S32-num/stress.t line 43
Geth_ rakudo: ee1b9918ce | (Patrick Böker)++ | 5 files
Add MacOS binary release files and Perl 6 -> Raku renames
Geth_ rakudo: 5162e6f5a3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 7 files
Remove now useless THROW helper sub