Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke vrurg: in nqp, dynamics can just pop into existence 01:55
nqp: sub a() { my @b := @*c; say(nqp::elems(@b)) }; nqp::push(@*c, 1); nqp::push(@*c, "d"); a()    # vrurg 01:56
camelia 2
vrurg MasterDuke: in what context they are vivified? GLOBAL?
MasterDuke dunno
vrurg nqp: sub a() { my @b := @*c; say(nqp::elems(@b)) }; nqp::push(@*c, 1); nqp::push(@*c, "d"); a(); say(nqp::elems(@*c)); 01:57
camelia 2
MasterDuke i just noticed it happened and took advantage of it years ago, hadn't thought about it again until just now
vrurg Ok, it explains.
Anyway, I'm working on drifting away from that mechanism and trying to get use of $*CURRENT-FILE in the context of current compunit compilation. 01:58
MasterDuke cool 02:00
nine: with the patch as is and default MoarVM Configure.pl settings, there's no easily noticeable decrease in CORE.e compile time. if i build MoarVM with `--no-mimalloc`, then the patch does seem to improve CORE.e compile times, from ~3.5s down to ~3.3s (both of which are slower than when using mimalloc) 02:16
so admittedly, not the most impactful of changes. i do think reducing allocs is good in general, but i guess amdahl strikes again 02:22