This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
deoac What is the meaning of `New type Stash for Int is not a mixin type` .  I got this error on a `use` statement. 01:02
MasterDuke deoac: that is not a usual error. what were you `use`ing? 01:39
deoac A module I created.   The error occurs when I `use` the module in a `.rakutest` file.  The module loads correctly when I `use` it in a `.rakumod` 03:12
MasterDuke that's a bit odd. do you have a `does` or `but` somewhere in the code? 03:44
habere-et-disper How do you get the final output of a series of rocket operators to be a Boolean value? I keep getting a sequence: 11:52
m: ( (3,2) ==> sum() ==> map { .Bool } ).WHAT
camelia ( no output )
habere-et-disper m: say ( (3,2) ==> sum() ==> map { .Bool } ).WHAT
camelia (Seq)
Nemokosch Hello. That's because you are essentially using a map and the map produces a sequence 11:55
habere-et-disper How does one cast to boolean with the feed operator? 11:56
Nemokosch the feed operators are essentially for passing arguments to subroutines in a funky order
so you'd most probably want a soubroutine that coerces its last argument to Bool 11:57
one I could quickly think of from the top of my head is prefix:<?>
Nahita habere-et-disper: you can use `so()` instead of `map { .Bool }`
Nemokosch m: say ( (3,2) ==> sum() ==> prefix:<?> ).WHAT
habere-et-disper Thanks! The prefix thing is new for me. :-) 11:58
I was trying to just cast it with ?(...)
Nemokosch so() works too, indeed. I wasn't sure (still not sure tbh) if that's a subroutine or an operator in that case 11:59
prefix:<so> also works 😄 12:01
Nahita there's no "case"; it's an operator
Nemokosch alas, neither the phrasing of the documentation nor the syntax analoguous to `sum` and not the prefix `?` helps on making it clear 12:03
Nahita operators are routines too so not sure why any of that doesn't help you but not my issue 12:07
Nemokosch not all subroutines are operators, in the other hand, and generally, operator calls aren't like subroutine calls (unless you access them with their subroutine name, which wasn't the case here) 12:11
also, `!()`, `+()`, `?()`, `~()` all fail if you substitute them in the example, you'd want to know why that is. The only thing I can think of is precedence. 12:12
habere-et-disper Thank you. All helpful. :-) Another one I can't see through is how to make feed operators work with expressions? Because map returns a sequence and a sequence with even one False value is True: 12:13
m: say ?(False)
camelia False
habere-et-disper m: say ?(False).Seq
camelia True
habere-et-disper m: say (3,2) ==> sum() ==> map * %% 2 ==> so()
camelia (3 2)
habere-et-disper m: (3,2) ==> sum() ==> map * %% 2 ==> so() ==> say() 12:14
camelia True
Nemokosch what do you want to achieve? 12:15
habere-et-disper Just trying to know if the sum is divisible by something. 12:16
Nemokosch I think you overestimate the magic of feed operators. They really are just a funky way to pass arguments around (or push to arrays). You don't actually want to map here, you just want to evaluate a condition. 12:17
I haven't found an actually good looking use of feed operators with "lambdas" but here you go 12:19
m: (3,2) ==> sum() ==> {$_ %% 2}() ==> say()
m: (3,2) ==> sum() ==> (* %% 2)() ==> say() 12:20
habere-et-disper Yeah, I tried with an anonymous inline function &(...) but that fails. I forgot to add the () to invoke. THANKS!
Nemokosch part of the reason why I prefer the andthen style 12:21
m: (3, 2) andthen .sum andthen $_ %% 2 andthen .say
or, if this appeals to you more: 12:22
m: (3, 2).sum.&{$_ %% 2}.say
habere-et-disper Thank you for expounding on the alternatives. This is rather helpful to see that same thing transformed into so many different approximate equivalences. ❤︎ 12:25
Nemokosch you're welcome 🙂 12:26
habere-et-disper 👍
yabobay is any of that beginner stuff 13:42
Nemokosch I think most of this was beginner stuff - much more so than Inline::Python, at least 😄 13:46
deoac MasterDuke: No, I don't use `does` or `but` at all. 13:52
yabobay idk seems way more complicated than that 13:56
Nemokosch well this is Raku itself, not some complicated hack to inject code from completely different backend 14:21
Kaiepi this is kind of a meme at this point
Kaiepi deoac, what about constants or BEGIN 14:26
serialization errors get gross sometimes
probiedooo Hi there.. I was having a long break from P5, but came about to try some Raku. Anyhow having some issues putting the pieces together catching the line-by-line output from either shell/run directly into a @list. The command is "git branch -r" and the script is entering/pulling the repos from the dir above. Hpw can I do in the most condensed way :P 15:10
Nemokosch hello 15:13
probiedooo I might have lost my head since P5, but I did a lot of Clearcase-interacting scripts by `ct ...`
hi there!
Nemokosch I for one like the shell quotation for this, especially since there are no parameters to inject here
my @branches = map &trim, qx[git branch -r].lines 15:15
this is quite a "Perlish" way to phrase it
probiedooo whohoo:-) must test
Awww.. I am standing at the root; howto combine the pre-required  "cd $repo" ahead of the operation.. not a git guru.. used to stand in the repo while checking it/running commands.. but perhaps it not necessary to cd into each and every repo? 15:21
Nemokosch well, there is a -C flag for git to pretend you are in a given folder. Or you can execute chdir from Raku 15:24
probiedooo hmmmm....  maybe clumpsy but...  for dir() -> $d {
        # say "==== pulling $d ====";
        # shell "cd $d; git pull";
        my @branches = map &trim, qx[cd $d; git branch -r].lines;
        for @branches -> $br {
            say $br;
    } if $d.IO.d;
ok so chdir... right! 15:25
or -C might be best to skip the whole cd-ing
probiedooo I am getting your point: qx[git -C $d branch -r].lines won't work ($d isn't resolved), which lefts me to the chdir option instead.. 15:33
sorry for bad variable-naming:-/  .. it's still a hack you know 15:34
This all origins from that we can't access our Bitbucket through API-calls so I thought.. well why not do it this to check repo's for feature-branches == a PR in progress 15:36
#Nemokosch ..your help much appreciated:-D  - happy friday! 16:00
say "...just came out grocking in my own cave, whats happening in the others";
for dir() -> $repo {
        chdir($repo); #is an absolute path!
        qx[git pull]; #need to check that "qx"-thing
        my @branches = map &trim, qx[git branch -r].lines;
        for @branches -> $br {
            say "$repo => $br" if $br ~~ /feature/;
    } if $repo.IO.d;
probiedooo #Nemokosch ..your help much appreciated:-D  - happy friday! 16:01
say "...just came out grocking in my own cave, whats happening in the others";
for dir() -> $repo {
        chdir($repo); #is an absolute path!
        qx[git pull]; #need to check that "qx"-thing
        my @branches = map &trim, qx[git branch -r].lines;
        for @branches -> $br {
            say "$repo => $br" if $br ~~ /feature/;
    } if $repo.IO.d;
deoac Kaiepi: No `BEGIN` blocks.  No `constants` either. 16:19
Kaiepi huh
deoac I've just noticed that I only get the error when I run the `.rakutest` thru `prove6`.  If I just `raku -Ilib foo.rakutest`, there is no error. 16:20
probiedooo #Nemokosch ..your help much appreciated:-D  - happy friday!
say "...just came out grocking in my own cave, whats happening in the others";
for dir() -> $repo {
        chdir($repo); #is an absolute path!
        qx[git pull]; #need to check that "qx"-thing
        my @branches = map &trim, qx[git branch -r].lines;
        for @branches -> $br {
            say "$repo => $br" if $br ~~ /feature/;
    } if $repo.IO.d;