Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
MasterDuke hm. so readdir() returns '.' and '..', but uv_fs_readdir does not 01:42
Voldenet actually, readdir doesn't have to return '.' and '..' 01:51
libuv filters it out github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/5047b3.../fs.c#L666
but it's not safe to assume that readdir does return those two entries
MasterDuke well, we have some tests in roast that assume raku's dir() does 01:53
well, if you pass `:test` 01:56
npq::nextfiledir does return them by default
oh, rakudo fakes them for jvm. maybe we can just make that the default behavior github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...1468-L1627 02:10
Voldenet either way, altering those entries and expecting specific behaviours leads to utter lunacy 02:21
where every layer either removes or adds those… 02:22
fwiw python's os.listdir removes those 02:30
jdv changelogs are up 04:55
timo1 jdv++ 09:34
[Coke] masterduke made some progress on libuv updates (yay) but there's now a problem linking against libuv against one of the unix/* files (which hasn't come up before, and oddly, there's a win/ variangt of th same file) 16:18
Geth MoarVM/2023.020: e8fd950c99 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM: jdv++ created pull request #1744:
Update changelog and version for 2023.02
Geth MoarVM: e8fd950c99 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | 2 files
Update changelog and version
MoarVM: 9d2a4e6097 | (Justin DeVuyst)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1744 from MoarVM/2023.020

Update changelog and version for 2023.02
[Coke] jdv++, as always 18:16
jdv moarvm release done. back to rakudo side.