This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
deoac (%h{.key} = .value) for @s 16:42
will convert Seq \@s into Hash %h
is there a more concise way of doing this?
\@s is a Seq of Pairs
lizmat my %h = @s 16:43
m: my @a = a => 42, b => 666; my %h = @a; dd %h
camelia Hash %h = {:a(42), :b(666)}
lizmat if a key occurs more than once, the last one wins 16:44
if you don't like that, you could use .push 16:45
m: my @a = a => 42, b => 666, a => 137; my %h; %h.push($_) for @a; dd %h 16:46
camelia Hash %h = {:a($[42, 137]), :b(666)}
lizmat deoac ^^ 16:47
Nemokosch m: my @a = a => 42, b => 666, a => 137; @a.classify(*.key, as => *.value).&dd
Raku eval (my Any %{Any} = :a($[42, 137]), :b($[666]))
Nemokosch not quite the same but might be useful if you are counting on multiple keys 16:48
lizmat that has the (dis)advantage of always creating arrays 16:49
deoac discord-raku-bot How did you use .key and .value?  My system requires .keys and .values?  Rakudo v2022.12, v6.d 17:02
My apologies, @a actually looks like: 17:03
[{a => 42} {b => 666} {c => 3.14}]
m: my @a = [ {a => 42}, {b => 666}, {c => 3.14} ]; my %h = @a; dd %h 17:04
camelia Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected:
Found 3 (implicit) elements:
Last element seen: ${:c(3.14)}
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat ah, doac, so you have a list of hashes 17:05
that's nor pairs
deoac right, my mistake
lizmat so, does each of these hashes only have 1 key?
deoac yes, guaranteed
lizmat m: my %h = [{a => 42},{b => 666},{c => 3.14}].map: |*.pairs; dd %h 17:06
camelia Hash %h = {:a(42), :b(666), :c(3.14)}
lizmat m: my %h = [{a => 42},{b => 666},{c => 3.14}].map: |*; dd %h 17:07
camelia Hash %h = {:a(42), :b(666), :c(3.14)}
lizmat slipping a hash means creating a slip of pairs 17:08
deoac Interesting, I've never used Slips before.  Thank you. 17:14
lizmat 17:17
habere-et-disper Is DateTime accurate? I tried a gigasecond: 23:19
m: '2011-04-25' ).later: seconds => 10**9
camelia ( no output )
habere-et-disper But was expecting something three second later, see:
2043-01-01T01:46:40 23:20
Which is correct?
m: say '2011-04-25' ).later: seconds => 10**9
camelia 2043-01-01T01:46:37Z
Nemokosch the funny thing is that we can't actually say the (absolute) after that amount of (relative) time spent 23:25
of course it makes one think what created the difference but at the same time, talking about a set result is a bit nonsensical 23:26
habere-et-disper I thought it might be leap seconds. 23:32
Nemokosch it might indeed be leap seconds - however, 1. there is no way to know for sure when and how many leap seconds will be added 2. it's cancelled from the year 2035 from what I heard, in favor of doing bigger corrections significantly less often 23:59