Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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patrickb I can't use software.schmorp.de/pkg/libptytty.html It's purely GPL licenced. I guess I'll do it entirely from scratch. Ugh. 06:39
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lizmat knowing schmorp's history in another community, I probably wouldn't want to touch their code with a pole anyway 09:10
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ab5tract patrickb: what’s your use case again? 10:11
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patrickb I'm working on a raku debugger. I want an embedded stdio window. 10:25
schmorp writes great software, no question. But he's a bit difficult to interact with. I've made my experiences as well. 10:41
ab5tract o the idea is that it would launch a tty in a GUi window 12:16
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patrickb TUI, but yes. :-) 14:17
ab5tract Now I’m confused (not that this is an exceptional state for me) 14:37
Within a user’s existing terminal, you would like to spawn a new TTY in a specific region of the terminal, as part of a larger TUI? 14:39
I’m just trying to understand the scope the conundrum. The above sounds much simpler than spawning a GUI window 14:44
timo the tricky thing is to give the program that is invoked a true TTY (well, true pseudo TTY) to control all on their own, instead of just giving them a pipe for stdout and stderr 19:37
patrickb: at some point i might just say "include tmux in the mix and let it handle all the tricky shit" 19:38
patrickb timo: I'm happy with the progress I make. Up until now I have been expanding my understanding. I feel I'm approaching the point where I know enough to have a good idea of what I'll have to implement. 20:12
ab5tract: Yes, embed a small terminal window in a bigger terminal window. Pretty much what tmux or screen also do. 20:13
ab5tract But with the full functionality of (pseudo) tty behind it. If that were not a requirement than it would (naively) seem like you already have everything you need with Process::Async + Terminal::Print (or Terminal::Widgets, if it is ready for it) 20:16
patrickb ab5tract: The obvious failure mode of a process pipe instead of a pty is that Rakudo will default to buffering the output which has the effect that you won't see output instantly. 20:41
I'm actually building the debugger on Terminal::Widgets. It's not ready yet, but the missing bits are well documented and japhb has signalled that he'll try to unblock me where ever he can. 20:45
But since I'm not blocked yet (I want to finish the PTY work, then I need to extend the moar debugger protocol a little and only then I'll move back to the debugger itself), I'm all good. 20:47
ab5tract patrickb++ 20:54
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