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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
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Geth doc/main: a8c7e7166e | (Luc St-Louis)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc
Fix typo

Removed spurious colons.
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[Coke] - is that correct? The colons aren't for ratcheting? 10:14
.seen luc
.seen lucs
looks like f0661bf332 added them in a refactor accidentally, ok. 10:17
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lucs Hmm... Now, reading about backtracking in the same file, I'm not so sure those colons were spurious. 16:23
Will verify and report back.
[Coke] I checked the history and they weren't in the previous version of that file, but I only went back one revision 16:26
thanks for checking!
lucs Welp, it turns out that matches will succeed or fail irrespective of the presence of the "don't-backtrack" colon, but having it avoids what would be useless backtracking, and that is probably how it is implemented and why Daniel added the colons in the f0661bf332 commit. 18:42
So the colons do indeed express the 'token' non-backtracking aspect of <ws>, and I will revert my commit. 18:43
Geth doc/main: e4d7a737f5 | (Luc St-Louis)++ | doc/Language/regexes.rakudoc
Revert "Fix typo"

This reverts commit a8c7e7166e4c20dd3deeafa75602a092e9e14c5e.
Turns out the trailing colons indicated the non-bactracking aspect of <ws>.
lucs I was thinking of normalizing spellings to "uppercase" from "upper case" and "upper-case" (and similarly for lower- and title-). 19:49
Should I?
[Coke] Yes, please - please add it as a check to xt/word-variants.rakutest and then make the test pass. 19:51
lucs OK. 19:52
[Coke] good catch, looks like there's a lot of them.
lucs Um, is there a style guide (for example) where I could confirm -- hopefully! :-) -- that the Oxford comma is recommended. 20:45
And if not, is it?
Welp, I'm using it. 20:56
[Coke] would definitely take a writing-docs/ update to add that. 21:03
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Geth doc/main: 8206e3aca1 | (Luc St-Louis)++ | 11 files
Normalize spellings to 'uppercase', etc.
21:33 sena_kun left
lucs Dang, forgot a bunch of serial commas in my commit :-) 21:34
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[Coke] lucs++ 21:38
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coleman ty lucs 22:23
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lucs coleman: Hey, my pleasure. It bugs me when I have to read the unusual spellings :-) 22:59
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