guifa actually 00:00
if I alloc something in a MVMROOT 00:01
is it "safe" to arbitrarily free it elsewhere to replace with a new value?
I have another way around but trying to avoid handling flags in two different places 00:02
Alright, updated the PR... .looks much better now 06:09
timo ok, so with gc-managed references you don't need to do anything in order to free something except null out, or to change the reference to something else that's vlid 08:57
09:50 [Coke] left 10:19 sena_kun joined 11:49 [Coke] joined 15:17 vrurg_ joined 15:20 vrurg left
Geth MoarVM/line_coverage_improvements: 8ca24c4040 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
make line coverage better

don't repeatedly encode the same filename to char* don't output the exact same line twice, even in non-dedupe mode
23:08 sena_kun left
guifa nine: thanks for that edit. Shows you I'm too used to Raku's type objects haha 23:38