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librasteve SmokeMachine: I am hoping to add red to my basic website examples pretty soon - do you have a "best practice" installation you can point to ... or just let me know what is the primary backend to target 16:46
While I would prefer mysql (since I already have a number of WordPress sites that use that), I think postgres would be comparable and all I am doing is stuff like dump, import, user perms in the setup / site management side. 16:48
I am also tempted by sqllite - on the one hand that would be great for GH integrations - just clone and run / or commit and push a state ... on the other it is not quite as serious as MySQL / postgres for a website tool that aims for some credibility as a way for tech savvy business to deploy and maintain small to medium sites which is kin of where I think we should be aiming (in the spirit of the early 16:51
success of ruby on rails)
also I see that Red has DBIish as a dependency and that DBIish supports MySQL / MariaDB ... so curious why you don't just get that for free 16:53
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SmokeMachine librasteve: fco.github.io/Red/ 18:07
librasteve: I currently consider SQLite more serious than MySQL... it is the most deployed DB in the world... 18:08
18:08 Heptite joined
librasteve tx - kudos on the awesome Red docs! 18:09
SmokeMachine librasteve: Red uses DBIish, bu Red::Driver is much more than a connection layer... it have to know how to translate Red::AST to SQL specific to the DB being used... 18:11
librasteve notes that stuff like this turso.tech uses sqlite and decides to lead with that for now
SmokeMachine for example: (this is the Red MySQL driver I'm writing based on Red's CommonSQL driver): github.com/FCO/Red-Driver-MySQL/bl.../MySQL.pm6 18:13
librasteve .oO 18:16
that's some beautiful code dude
SmokeMachine thanks :) 18:18
librasteve adding MySQL support would be a great mid level intro to raku coding for a budding core dev 18:20
SmokeMachine Yes... I need to go back to that... 18:26
If someone would like to help on that...
librasteve humbly I suggest we would benefit from migrations more than from the MySQL (and likely only you have the insight to do that) 18:29
^ since that's the industry standard
(I think Cro has this also ... but not sure if that's relevant) 18:30
SmokeMachine github.com/FCO/Red/issues/15
I even did a talk about that... the most confusing and boring talk I ever did... :) 18:31
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YHRAl-mFm0&t=5s 18:32
librasteve thanks, but no thanks!
SmokeMachine ??? no the issue thread? no the talk video? no help? sorry, I got confused... :) 18:34
librasteve btw did my comment on the reentrancy of Cromponent make sense?
- just joking that you shared the link to the most confusing and boring talk you ever did ;-) 18:35
actually I saw your talk already and I learned a lot ... 18:37
I will watch again when I get a chance 18:38
SmokeMachine 18:48 <SmokeMachine> I still need som time on that… I still don’t get why not adding the component only once… 18:52
librasteve no problem 19:22
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